The Arab Studies Institute is proud to recognize our award-winning members and affiliates, starting with the prestigious Service Award.
Bassam Haddad, ASI’s Executive Director, received the 2017 Jere L. Bacharach Service Award at MESA’s awards ceremony. The Award recognizes Bassam’s lasting commitment to the Middle East Studies discipline through his supportive mentorship, incisive scholarship, and critical public-scholarly enterprises, of which ASI is an integral part. The letter reads:
"As an assertive and ambitious visionary, he has created numerous collaborations, networks, and projects among people, young and old, across the many fields and communities of Middle East studies resulting in: the Arab Studies Journal, Quilting Point, Jadaliyya, JadMag, Tadween Publishing with its Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative, and the audio production, Status. All these have broadened and diversified the audiences accessing analyses and appreciations of contemporary events and cultures in the region and provided educators with a rich array of discerning and hip new materials for the classroom."
Watch Bassam Haddad's interview discussing the trajectory and institutions of the Arab Studies Institute and the state of scholarship here, to be published shortly on
MESA President, Professor Judith Tucker, presents
Bassam Haddad with the MESA Award