[This roundup is compiled by the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS); it features calls for applications focused on social sciences in the Arab region. Use the hashtag #ArabSSCalls to be featured.]
Political Reflection Magazine
Call for Contributions: @PR_Magazine welcomes contributions from scholars, students, and professionals in all aspects of international relations, politics, and political economy. http://ow.ly/WLr830lB32M #ArabSSCalls
Arab Council for the Social Sciences
Call for Chapters: Doing Diversity in#Teaching, #Writing, and #Research, edited by Abby Day, Lois Lee, & Jim Spickard. 500-word chapter proposals due by 31 October 2018 http://ow.ly/UeS130lA5oH #ArabSSCalls
Qatar University
Call for Papers: Conference titled "#Gulf Crisis: Origin, Repercussions and Future," organized by the Gulf Studies Center @QatarUniversity on December 9-10, 2018 | Abstracts due by 1 October 2018 http://ow.ly/9Lkb30lz4N2 #ArabSSCalls
Istituto Affari Internazionali
Lebanon Support
#JobsMENA: Training consultant for #research methodology with @LebanonSupport. Application deadline: 3 September 2018. http://ow.ly/D8no30lB2Rg #Lebanon#ArabSSCalls