This video from the Mosireen media collective is entitled "Sexual Torture is Systematic: from Mubarak and SCAF to the Muslim Brotherhood.” It brings together the testimonies of Egyptians who have survived sexual torture over the past decade, and who refuse to be silenced by their torturers. The video highlights the use of this practice as a deterrent from, or punishment for, political dissent during the era of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, and charts a peak in its use over the last two years, under the rule of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and president Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, respectively. This trend is clear from the interviews featured with young men, who have been detained without charge from the site of protests such as Tahrir Square, and subsequently beaten and sexually abused. Powerful evidence also comes from an interview with Samira Ibrahim, who was subjected to a "virginity test,” along with fellow female demonstrators, close to Tahrir Square in March 2011, during the SCAF`s first month in power. The video continues with testimonies from men and women subjected to sexual assault in police stations and in public demonstrations since the election of Mohamed Morsi in June 2012. Their bravery in testifying against their abusers, many of whom are still high-ranking police officers, is remarkable. According to Mosireen, this video is an expression of the collective`s unconditional solidarity with all survivors of physical abuse and sexual torture. It further marks the launch of a new media campaign against sexual torture in Egypt`s prisons, police stations and streets. The video underscores one of the principal demands of Egypt`s 25 January Revolution, the call for “human dignity” in the face of state brutality.
This video from the Mosireen media collective is entitled "Sexual Torture is Systematic: from Mubarak and SCAF to the Muslim Brotherhood.” It brings together the testimonies of Egyptians who have survived sexual torture over the past decade, and who refuse to be silenced by their torturers. The video highlights the use of this practice as a deterrent from, or punishment for, political dissent during the era of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, and charts a peak in its use over the last two years, under the rule of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and president Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, respectively. This trend is clear from the interviews featured with young men, who have been detained without charge from the site of protests such as Tahrir Square, and subsequently beaten and sexually abused. Powerful evidence also comes from an interview with Samira Ibrahim, who was subjected to a "virginity test,” along with fellow female demonstrators, close to Tahrir Square in March 2011, during the SCAF`s first month in power. The video continues with testimonies from men and women subjected to sexual assault in police stations and in public demonstrations since the election of Mohamed Morsi in June 2012. Their bravery in testifying against their abusers, many of whom are still high-ranking police officers, is remarkable. According to Mosireen, this video is an expression of the collective`s unconditional solidarity with all survivors of physical abuse and sexual torture. It further marks the launch of a new media campaign against sexual torture in Egypt`s prisons, police stations and streets. The video underscores one of the principal demands of Egypt`s 25 January Revolution, the call for “human dignity” in the face of state brutality.