Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival: 'La voix est libre'

[Thirteen Egyptian and French artists collaborated for one week on the production of new performances for a premiere in D-CAF. Image courtesy of MedrarTV.] [Thirteen Egyptian and French artists collaborated for one week on the production of new performances for a premiere in D-CAF. Image courtesy of MedrarTV.]

Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival: "La voix est libre"

By : Medrar TV مدرار تي في

La voix est libre

April 2014

Falaki Theater, Cairo, Egypt


French artist Blaise Merlin started “La voix est livre” (The throat is clear) as a trans-disciplinary arts festival in Paris in 2005. The idea behind the project was to bring together artists and art forms that seldom mix in contemporary scenes, and to focus on improvisation. Almost ten years down later, he met with Ahmed El Attar, director of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF) and agreed to bring his artistic team to Cairo and to develop new works with local artists. The show premiered in downtown Cairo`s Falaki Theater on 9 April before going to Alexandria and returning for the finale at Scheherazade Nightclub in Cairo.

In this video interview, Merlin explains his vision in bringing the festival to the region, and what the Cairo shows mean to him. Thirteen French and Egyptian artists collaborated in the productions, including: Marlène Rostaing, Élise Caron, Élise Dabrowski, Médéric Collignon, Philippe Gleizes, Jörg Müller, Mehdi Haddab, Peter Corser, Mohamed Shafik, Abdullah Miniawy, Ahmed Saleh, Mohamed Sami, Dawsha, and Islam Chipsy.

For more info on D-CAF:


                         [This video is produced by Medrar TV and is featured in partnership with Jadaliyya Culture.]          


A Scenography Workshop by Hussein Baydoun

A Scenography workshop by Hussein Baydoun

8-16 September 2013

Falaki Theater, Cairo, Egypt


Hussein Baydoun is a Lebanese artist, architect, and scenographer who is known for his unique approach to set design. Baydoun frequently participates in the creation and development of performances from their early stages with the view that scenography is an essential component to the creation of theatrical work, one no less important than the script. His designs are often inspired by the performance spaces in which he works, where he creates fascinating sets from whatever is available as he challenges conventional notions about theater production, such as in his most recent performance "Alice," which was produced in collaboration with Lebanese playwright and director Sawsan Bou Khaled. In September, Baydoun returned to Cairo to lead a scenography workshop following the same vision. At the American University in Cairo`s Falaki Theater, he worked with six upcoming set designers, in addition to amateurs, on creating imaginative environments from the remnants of old sets and other discarded objects. This video highlights the vision and development of the workshop as Baydoun describes the aim of his teaching methods.  



     [This video is produced by Medrar TV and is featured as part of a new partnership with Jadaliyya Culture.]