[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations:

The Middle East - Who Cares?
Dan Smith calls for providing alternative regional and international policies toward the Middle East.

Egyptian Silence on Gaza Is Deafening
Amr Khalifa argues that the pervasiveness of nationalism and dehumanization of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood feeds into the Egyptian government’s inaction toward the Israeli offensive on Gaza.  

Egypt Silent as Neighbors Wage Battles
Kareem Fahim reflects on the Egyptian government’s inaction toward the Israeli offensive on Gaza.

Defining Moments: The Significance of 30 June in and beyond Egypt
Ahmed Eleiba analyzes regional and international relations of the Muslim Brotherhood’s one-year rule.

Economic Cooperation between Egypt and Ethiopia on the Rise
Walaa Hussein says, “In light of the expected visit of Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to Ethiopia, the Egyptian-Ethiopian committee is working on resuming dialogue on the Renaissance Dam issue.”

State of the Economy and Subsidies Reforms:

Investigating the Muslim Brotherhood Economy
Amr Adly argues that the government’s financial control of the Zad and Seoudi grocery stores has significant economic and political consequences. 

Egypt’s Poor Bear the Brunt of Sisi’s Austerity Plan
Mohannad Sabry says, “A reduction in state subsidies has caused fuel, bread and other prices to rise dramatically in Egypt, stoking anger from consumers, taxi drivers and shop owners.”

Subsidies Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa: Recent Progress and Challenges Ahead
Carlo Sdralevich, Randa Sab, Younnes Zouhar, amd Giorgia Albertin offer recommendations for energy subsidy reforms in the Middle East.

Egypt Government Unprepared for Repercussions of Subsidy Reform
Mohamed El-Dahshan “offers his views of the impact of energy subsidy reform in Egypt.”

Despite Austerity, Spending in New Budget is Close to Last Year`s
Isabel Esterman argues that “The variation in the proportion of funds dedicated to each major category of expenditure” between last year and this year’s budget allocation is barely noticeable despite the government’s calls for austerity.

Unsustainable Solutions to Unsustainability
Basil El-Dabh argues that subsidy reform has created a potentially volatile situation in the socioeconomic sphere.   

Rule of Law and Human Rights:

A Year of Legal Setbacks
Jano Charbel explains the setbacks of newly issued laws that have restricted the right to protest, violated human rights, and redirected Egypt’s sources of energy.

The Perils of Protest
Khaled Dawoud says, “While several official political parties said they would no longer support holding demonstrations at this stage, other youth groups believe that would be a setback to the gains made after the January 25 Revolution, and would not lead to the release of their colleagues.”

Egyptian Diplomats Should Drop Conspiracy Theory
Sohair Raid sheds light on Egyptian diplomats’ role in sabotaging the United Nations Human Rights Council. 

Proposed Government Law Makes NGOs Subordinate to Security and Ministry Control
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies releases a joint statement expressing rights organizations’ concern with the new draft bill that could potentially regulate NGOs and civil rights groups in Egypt.

Sexual Harassment and Gender Studies:

New President, Old Pattern of Sexual Violence in Egypt
Vickie Langohr argues: “While the government had done little to address mass sexual assault before the inauguration week attacks, some positive changes in fighting sexual harassment have occurred, largely as a result of the work of civil society.”

Sexual Assault and the State: A History of Violence
Sarah Carr sheds light on the state’s direct and indirect involvement in sexual harassment cases.  

Lila Abu-Lughod’s Contribution to the Feminist Debate in the Arab World
Ayyad Al-Batneegi applies Professor Lila Abu-Lughod’s theories on feminist studies to the modern state and sheds light on the inadequacy of Western narratives on gender studies in the Arab world.

General Opinions:

Egypt Faces Challenges as it Prepares for Parliamentary Elections
Yussef Auf argues parliamentary elections will provide a chance for the underrepresented segment of society to be heard and represented in the public sphere.

The Continued Exploitation of Religion in Egypt’s Politics
Amr Hamzawy argues that the liberals who denounced ousted president Mohamed Morsi’s religious rhetoric have paradoxically supported the presidential election’s exploitation of religion.

In Arabic:

مساهمة ليلى أبو لغد في تقديم الدرس النسوي
Ayyad Al-Batneegl applies and generalizes Professor Lila Abu-Lughod’s theories on feminist studies on the modern state and sheds light on the inadequacy of Western narratives on gender studies in the Arab world.

بل الأجدر هو البناء بنفس طويل
Amr Hamzawy analyzes the obstructions facing coalition forming during the anticipated parliamentary elections.

إشكاليات «الجمهورية الرابعة» في مصر
Hussain Ma‘loum argues that the Egyptian state continues to face domestic and regional issues following the uprisings of 25 January 2011 and 30 June 2013.

خبير دولي يؤكد استفادة الأغنياء والأجانب من الدعم… ومصر تتحرك نحو العراق
Hassanein Karoum reviews writers and analysts’ perspectives on the Egypt’s regional and international relations in light of the Israeli aggression against Gaza and the current developments in Iraq.

مشاهد من رفح.. فتح المعبر وحده لا يكفي
Hiba Afify argues that opening the Rafah boarder crossing is not sufficient to aid Palestinians in light of Israel’s attack on Gaza.

غزة: حديث «الجوار» الاستراتيجى
Ayman al-Sayyad analyzes Egypt’s stance toward Israel’s aggression against Gaza.

حياد ليس باسمنا
Fahmi Huwaidy argues that the Egyptian state shows a neutral stance toward the Israeli offensive on Gaza and writes, “not in our name”.

أحمد فاروق: المجتمع المدني الحديث
Ahmed Farouk writes on the emergence of civil societies and their relations with states.

!علاء حمودة: مجزرة الدعم.. يا فقراء بلدي انتحروا
‘Alaa Hamouda critiques the government’s subsidy reform measures.

خريف دولة يوليو
Mohamed Jad analyzes the state’s role in weakening the economy during Mubarak’s rule, and its impact on the state’s capacity to provide social services to the poor.

قانون المنظمات الأهلية.. تشريع استبدادي جديد
Ahmed Ezzat argues that laws regulating civil rights organizations in Egypt are either aimed to overlook the state’s violations of human rights, or to isolate rights organizations.

الاعتداء الجنسي والدولة: تاريخ من العنف
Sarah Carr sheds light on the state’s direct and indirect involvement in sexual harassment cases.  

مدونة: دور الستات في الثورة
Salma Said critiques the public’s reduction of women’s roles in the public sphere since the January 25 Revolution.

Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt:

Three Travelling Plaques Become Four in Mohamed Mahmoud Street
Mona Abaza writes on Mohamed Mahmoud Street as a thriving arena of artistic and political expression in Cairo.

Women As Fair Game in the Public Sphere: A Critical Introduction for Understanding Sexual Violence and Methods of Resistance
Hind Ahmed Zaki and Dalia Abd Alhamid write on public violence and sexual harassment against women in Egypt.

Video Channeling: Mai Elwakil in Conversation with Daniella Rose King
Daniella Rose King interviews writer and Medrar TV co-founder Mai Elwakil.

Call for Contributions: Translation and the Many Languages of Resistance, Cairo, March 2015
Jadaliyya’s Reports Page calls for papers for a Cairo conference titled “Translation and the Many Languages of Resistance.”

Layer of Green: Eleven Photographic Works
Medrar TV reports on photography exhibition titled “Layers of Green.”