[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations:

Egypt and the Gaza Ceasefires
Joel Gulhane argues that the political context of the 2012 Egyptian initiative for establishing a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is “drastically different” than the current ceasefire proposal.

Egypt`s Half-Hearted Gaza Initiative
Khalid Dawoud argues: “Egypt, through its contacts with all Palestinian factions, seems willing to play a role in brokering a deal between Hamas and Israel, but without taking the lead, especially at time Egypt’s Sisi believes priority should go to domestic issues, mainly restoring security and a sharply deteriorating economy.”

What Egypt Can Do For Palestine
Sharif Mosa argues in order to alleviate Palestinian suffering, a forceful Egypt-led Arab engagement should be realized first.

Egypt Wades into Gaza
Scott Walliamson writes on Egypt’s role in the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, although he notes the exclusion of Hamas from the negotiations.

Inside Egypt`s Cease-Fire Efforts
Walaa Hussein argues Egypt is attempting to regain its regional role through brokering ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

Watching Over Gaza
Heba Afify writes on the ordeals a Palestinian family from Gaza faces in Rafah.

UAE Likely to Support Egypt for Long Haul
H. A. Hellyer argues: “It is in the United Arab Emirates’ interests for Egypt to stabilize, and it will continue to offer unconditional support to Cairo until that objective is met.”

Cities and Urban Development:

Cultural Enlightenment for Cairo’s Downtown Futures
Marie-Jeanne Berger writes on urban development plans for downtown Cairo projected in 2050.

Cairo: A History of People’s Right to the City
Rana Nessim writes: “A social and historical introduction to people’s struggle over the right to the city in Cairo, Egypt.”

State of the Economy and Subsidies Reforms:

Reducing the Budget Deficit without Effective Social Safety Nets is Unfair to the Poor
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights publishes a study highlighting the adverse consequences of reducing Egypt’s budget deficit on the poor.

Rolling With the Punches
Passant Rabie explains the reasons al-Sisi’s subsidies reforms did not lead to riots reminiscent of the bread riots forty years ago.

Rule of Law and Human Rights:

The Courts for Urgent Matters: Legislation from the Bench
Mai El-Sadany argues that the verdicts the Court for Urgent Matters issued are significantly higher under al-Sisi’s rule than Mubarak’s.

Another Assault on Civil Society in Egypt
Elly Page writes on the ramifications of Egypt’s new draft bill that could potentially restrict NGOs and civil rights groups in the country.

I`m Eighteen, In Prison, Pending Investigation
Rasha Abdella writes on Mahmoud Mohamed an eighteen-year old student detained since 25 January 2014 for protesting.

Sexual Harassment and Gender Studies:

Tahrir Sexual Assault Survivors Recount Their Ordeals
Nadine Marroushi writes on sexual assault survivors’ ordeals during al-Sisi’s inauguration celebration.

Shout Art Loud: Tackling Harassment in Egypt through Art
Melody Patry writes on Shout Art Loud, an interaction documentary produced by Index on Censorship that focuses on artists’ efforts to raise awareness of the sexual harassment pandemic in Egypt through art, music, graffiti, and theater.


In Arabic:

سماء سليمان: استدعاء مرحلة الاستعمار
Samaa Sulaiman argues that while Arab states have gained their official independence from colonialism, Western powers continue to impose economic colonialism to this day.

الليكوديون العرب
Fahmy Huwaidy argues that a segment of society in the Arab world is consumed with the dehumanization of Hamas more than Israel despite the latter’s offensive on Gaza.

د. إبراهيم علوش: معبر رفح.. عنوان المعركة الأخرى في غزة
Ibrahim Alloush argues that permanently opening the Rafah border crossing means the Egyptian government officially recognizes Hamas as the official representative of Gaza.

ما يمكن أن تفعله مصر لفلسطين
Sharif Mosa argues in order to alleviate Palestinian suffering, a forceful Egypt-led Arab engagement should be realized first.

القاهرة تحارب لإنقاذ مبادرة غزة حفاظا على دورها الإقليمي
Walaa Hussein argues Egypt is attempting to regain its regional role through brokering ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

لماذا غاب تضامن المصريين مع الفلسطينيين؟
Shadi Zalt explains the decrease of Egyptians’ solidarity with the Palestinian people in light of the current Israeli offensive on Gaza.

خفض العجز في موازنة مصر دون شبكة أمان اجتماعي فعالة يهدد الفقراء
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights publishes a study highlighting the adverse consequences of reducing Egypt’s budget deficit on the poor.

الحكم الأول في قضايا الاعتداءات الجنسية الجماعية والاغتصاب الجماعي بميدان التحرير ليس نهاية المطاف ويجب فتح التحقيق في جميع جرائم العنف الجنسي السابقة
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights releases a joint statement expressing their concern that the court’s verdicts against the Tahrir sexual harassment cases might be the only step that the regime has taken to eradicate sexual harassment, and calls for investigating all previous sexual assaults.

"زيادة الأسعار".. غضب ولكن..
Passant Rabie explains the reasons al-Sisi’s subsidies reforms did not lead to riots reminiscent of the bread riots forty years ago.

مصر دولة «طبيعية» و«متقدمة» أيضاً
Abdel el-Mone’em Sa’id argues that luring profitable investment into Egypt is the only solution to put an end to the socioeconomic struggles in the country.

مشروع قانون الجمعيات الجديد - هوس القمع
Mohamed Ahmed Zare’e criticizes the newly established bill that would potentially regulate NGOs and civil rights groups in Egypt.

البرلمان.. ترف المغامرة
Kamal Zakher argues holding parliamentary elections is an adventurous move considering the current political circumstances in the country.

Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt:

رد مصر على الهجوم الإسرائيلي على غزة: مقابلة مع حسام الحملاوي
Bassam Haddad interviews journalist and activist Hossam El-Hamalawy, who addresses Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s role in alleviating Palestinian suffering compared to Hosni Mubarak, and the general public’s dehumanization of Palestinians through various media outlets in Egypt.

Egypt`s Response To The Israeli Assault On Gaza: An Interview With Hossam El-Hamalawy
Bassam Haddad interviews journalist and activist Hossam El-Hamalawy who addresses Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s role in alleviating Palestinian suffering compared to Hosni Mubarak, and the general public’s dehumanization of Palestinians through various media outlets in Egypt.

كم نكبة عاشها فلسطينيو سيناء؟ الجزء الثاني
Ismail Alexandrani offers a historical analysis of the ramifications of Camp David’s peace accord between Egypt and Israel in 1979, and onwards, on Palestinian refugees who have fled to the Sinai Peninsula.

The Violence of Climate Change in Egypt
Mika Minio-Paluello argues, “The classist violence of climate change is shaped so that the poor carry the burden on behalf of the privileged.”

From the Elections to the Protest Law: Signs of Egypt`s Future
Wael Eskandar analyzes the Egyptian regime’s repressive tactics following the presidential elections.