[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations:

Where is Palestine in Egypt?
Lina Attalah and Shady Zalat analyze the causes of the decreased signs of Egyptian solidarity with Palestinians in light of the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

Egypt’s Cease-Fire Initiative and Sacrifice for Palestine
Sharif S. Elmusa argues that the Egyptian ceasefire initiative to end the Israeli offensive in Gaza discredits Hamas’ demands and continues to support Israel’s siege on Gaza.

Egypt’s Decision to Side with Israel has Cost Gaza Dear
Patrick Kingsley sheds light on the political reasons that may lead Egypt to loosen its stance on Hamas.

Isolating Hamas, Cairo Isolates Itself
Gregg Carlstrom compares the Unites States’ cease-fire proposal with the Egyptian initiative.

Gaza: Neighborly Crimes of Complicity
Richard Falk analyzes Egypt and Saudi Arabia’s implicit encouragement of Israel’s war on Gaza.   

Political Economy:

Egypt`s Budget: Beginning Cautiously to Exit the Mubarak Box
Ahmed El-Sayyed Al-Naggar argues, “Cutting the deficit in the general budget was an essential start that needs to be followed by serious steps for sharper reductions once Egypt`s economy stabilizes and growth improves.”

Misunderstanding Africa
Robert Tashima argues, “while investing in Africa is not an easy proposition, it is a rewarding one provided it is done with a clear understanding of the market.”

Rule of Law and Human Rights:

A Freelance Photojournalist Forgotten Behind Prison Walls
Mai Shams El-Din sheds light on the ordeals that freelance journalists face with the security apparatus. The article was later translated and published in Arabic.

A Letter from Prison
Mohamed Fahmy, Al Jazeera journalist, writes a letter from jail focusing on “the injustice of his imprisonment.” 

The Regime`s New Clothes
Ursula Lindsey writes on the regime’s oppressive tactics against Egyptians, which include restricting freedom of expression and banning protests.

State Department Religious Freedom Report Highlights Discrimination in Egypt’s Judiciary
EgyptSource writes on the 2013 State Department’s report on international religious freedom, and its findings on the status of religious minorities in Egypt.

Law to Hush Up NGOs
Ahmed Ezzat argues that laws regulating civil rights organizations in Egypt are either aimed to overlook the state’s violations of human rights, or to isolate rights organizations.

Hearing Reveals US State Department has not Adapted to New Egypt Realities
Elissa Miller writes on a congressional hearing that focused on the United States’ spending on democracy promotion in the Middle East in general, and Egypt particular.

Reports and General Opinions:

On Reforming Education in Egypt
Mohammed W. Rizkallah argues educational reforms in Egypt need to be adapted to the needs of the twenty-first century.

A New Minister, A Different Environment
Isabel Esterman argues, “Unlike his predecessor, the new environment minister’s stance puts him at odds with civil society.”

Close Your Eyes
Wael Eskander writes on Israel’s war on Gaza, highlighting global biases of race, gender, and nationality in reaction to the killing of innocent civilians. 

What Was the Role of Religion in the Arab Spring?
Kat Eghidmain argues that aside from the economic inequality, political oppression, and social injustice pervasive in states that have witnessed uprisings sine 2011, religion has played a key role in social mobilization through religious networks, and historical, social, and political influences.  

In Arabic:

هل هو برلمان الثورة المضادة؟
Ahmed Ban argues that the Parliamentary Elections Law strengthens counter-revolutionary forces.

سياسات التقشف في صعيد مصر.. بين الرضا والاحتجاج
Ranya Rabi’e writes on the reactions of residents of Upper Egypt to the government’s austerity measures and subsidy reforms.

أسئلة وأجوبة حول رفع الدعم عن الوقود
Lina Attallah interviews Amr Adly, who offers his perspective on subsidy reforms and austerity measures, and the impact of these decisions on the economy as a whole and the Egyptian citizen.

الموقف المصري من الحرب في غزة: المكاسب والخسائر المصرية
Sara Khourshid analyzes the risks and benefits of the Egyptian stance on Israel’s war on Gaza.

مصريون عالقون في ليبيا وسط الاشتباكات الأكثر عنفا
Lina Attalah and Mustafa Mohie report on four thousand Egyptians caught in the growing violence in Libya who found both the border crossings of Egypt and Libya and Libya and Tunisia closed.

المرأة، الأقليات والفئات المهمشة في مصر: حراك حقوقي في مواجهة تعامل سياسي
Minna Omar releases a study analyzing the status of women and minorities in Egypt from 2011 to 2013.

السجن والسياسة: رواية التاريخ
Ahmed Abd Rabboh reflects on the regime’s imprisonment of political activists and intellectuals.

أردوغان».. عن المواقف الحقيرة نتحدث»
Tamer Abu Arab reacts to Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s interview with CNN in which he marginalized Egypt’s role as a mediator in ending Israel’s war on Gaza.

وقاحة سياسية
Fahmy Huwaidy strongly criticizes the United States’ demands to demilitarize Hamas.

ليس عالمنا العربى وحده.. ولكن
Amr Hamzawy argues that the widespread violence, blatant human rights violations, and terrorism are not exclusive conditions found to the Arab world: these issues, to some extent, exist in other parts of the world as well.

Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt:

Once Again on Caesarism: Continuing the Debate with Joel Beinin
Brecht De Smet argues that Joel Beinin’s response to his article “Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Egypt” may reflect their differing views on the concepts in question.