[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]


Regional and International Relations:

Peacemaking Egypt!
Mohamed Fouad argues that throughout the political developments in the country; three Egyptian administrations have constantly maintained “a conflict management role” instead of a “peacemaking” with Israel and Palestine.  

Regional Integration Only Way for Israel to Achieve Security
H. A. Hellyer argues, “Israel needs to see the long-term security benefits of integrating with the region, which can only come with a comprehensive and just settlement to the Palestinian conflict.”

Egypt Squanders Gaza War Opportunities
Mohannad Sabry re-examines Egypt’s stance on Gaza.

Political Economy:

Finally Some Action on Subsidies in Egypt
Mohsin Khan and Svetlana Milbert assess the impact of subsidy reforms on all income groups.

Rule of Law and Human Rights:

New Requirement to Register Rattles Egyptian NGOs
H. A. Hellyer assesses the ramifications of subordinating NGOs and civil rights groups to new restricting requirements.

Special Issue: Moral Policing and Prosecuting Belief in Egypt
Allison McManus and Nancy Okail overview the state’s rhetoric on “establishing moral order.”

Egypt’s National Plan to Fight Atheism
Ishak Ibrahim examines the state’s strategy to counter atheism. 

Blasphemy: Intolerance in Egypt
Jay Roddy writers on a series of blasphemy charges against religious minorities in Egypt.

Moral Panic in the Egyptian Media
Allison McManus and Maged Maher Gabra argue that the state is attempting to formulate “moral hegemony” by using the media to buttress and justify its rhetoric and practices against religious minorities and atheists. 

Interview with Bahaa Ibrahim
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) interviews Egyptian Baha’i activist Bahaa Ibrahim who security forces recently detained and harassed.

Reports and Opinions:

Government by Moral Panic
William Barnes writes on the “moral panic’s” exploitation of weak authoritarian states’ governance.

Ripples in the Cyberpysche
Omar Robert Hamilton explores the impact of the cyber world on forming alternative perceptions compared to traditional media outlets by drawing on examples from the global outrage on the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

The Nour Party`s Dilemma
Khalid Dawoud examines the Salafist Nour Party’s paradoxical relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and the state.

Do Egyptian Elites Represent an Asset or a Burden to their Country?
Mohammed Nossei argues elites acquire the potential to offer solutions to the crisis Egypt faces, yet fears of losing their socioeconomic privileges stand in the way.  

“The Muslim Brotherhood is not Going Anywhere”–Interview with Sultan Al Qassemi, Part One
Danny Burkli interviews Sultan Al Qassemi who comments on Morsi’s ouster, the future of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Obama Administration’s ineffective Middle East policy.

Migrants: A Treasure for Egypt
Omar Khedr explores the options that Egypt must take advantage of in order to be placed among the top twenty economies by 2050. 

Koftagate: Dashed Hopes and Wasted Resources
Mostafa Hussein refutes Egypt’s Military Engineering Authority’s claims of discovering a cure for HIV/AID and Hepatitis C. 

Egypt: Court Dissolves Muslim Brotherhood`s Political Wing
The Guardian reports, “Ruling bans Freedom and Justice party from participation in electoral politics in wake of Sisi`s crackdown on the movement.”

 Sectarian Clashes Erupt in Minya Following Village Dispute
Mada Masr writes on the sectarian violence that erupted recently in Minya, Upper Egypt.

Egypt `Cautiously Optimistic` Ahead of Ethiopia Dam Talks in Sudan: Minister
Ahram Online:Reaching an agreement in Khartoum this month could see the formation of an Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia economic bloc, says irrigation minister.”

4000 Egyptian Expats Cross Daily: Head of Salloum Border
Mada Masr reports on the thousands of Egyptians trying to flee violence in Libya.

In Arabic:

نحنُ السعوديةُ: جذور التناقض
Anwar al-Hwary sheds light on the most salient developments in Saudi-Egypt relations. 

بيان من مصر الأخرى
Fahmy Huwaidy compares the Egyptian Foreign Ministry’s statements to the recent Boko Haram’s terrorist attack in Nigeria and Israel’s offense in Gaza.

بالعدل والتقدم.. وليس بالتدخل العسكرى
Amr Hamzawy explores the causes of regional conflicts and wars in the Middle East.  

لصالح من يعمل محامي الشعب؟
Huda Nasr Allah publishes a study that “investigates how the prosecution authority in Egypt contributes to an alarmingly selective justice system.”

عن إعلام الإخوان المسلمين
Muhannad Sabry analyzes bias in content of Muslim Brotherhood media outlets.

خصخصة قناة السويس
Nail al-Shafi sheds light on some of the financial, logistical, and engineering issues that may arise from the new Suez Canal development project.

تساؤلات حول محور قناة السويس
Mustafa Mehie explores the military’s role in the new Suez Canal development project.

كيف ستنفق الحكومة أموالنا؟
Mohamed Jad explores the efficacy of the Egyptian government’s expenditure on development projects to improve education and health sectors in the country.  

!!..د. عاصم الدسوقي: “لغز” الأسعار والأجور 
Asem al-Dusouki argues that in order for Egypt to establish economic reforms, the state must implement free market strategies applied in capitalist states. 

ثوب النظام الجديد
Ursula Lindsey writes on the regime’s oppressive tactics against Egyptians, which include restricting freedom of expression and banning protests.

!الإسلام دين.. وليس دولة
Ahmed Abdel Mu’ti Hijazy explores the distinction between Islam as a religion and the Islamic history.