[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]

Political Economy:

The Cost of Lifting Fuel Subsidies
Lina Attallah interviews Amr Adly, who offers his perspective on subsidy reforms and austerity measures, and the impact of these decisions on the economy as a whole and the Egyptian citizen.

Rule of Law and Human Rights:

TIMEP Solemnly Commemorates the One-Year Anniversary of the Raba’a Square Dispersal
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) calls for investigations and accountability for the mass murder of protesters in the Raba`a and Nahda Sqaure sit-ins.

Raba’a Remembered: The Human Rights Watch Report
Elissa Miller illustrates a summary of the details and findings of the Human Rights Watch Report on the Raba`a massacre last August.

The Massacre One Year Later
Ahmed Shokr argues that while the police and security forces` violence against protesters is visible through the latest Human Right Watch report on the Raba`a massacre, the current political atmosphere in Egypt blocks attempts to hold top officials who ordered such attacks accountable for the killing of protesters.   

Egypt has Considerable Problems in its Penal Institutions
Adham Youssef interviews member of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) Nasser Amin, who offers his perspectives on human rights violations in Egypt.  

Civil Society Law One More Link on Chain to Shackle Dissent in Egypt
Al-Sharif Nassef offers an explanatory analysis of the state`s enforcement of the Civil Society Law.   

Egypt Denies Entry to Top Human Rights Watch Officials
Anna Jacobs writes on Human Rights Watch report on the Raba`a massacre.

Egypt Cracks Down on Human Rights Groups
Tom Stevenson says, "As a Human Rights Watch delegation is denied entry to Egypt, the country`s own human and civil rights groups face the threat of dissolution by the government."

Guarding Sites of Memory
Laura Gribbon examines the state’s monopoly of sites that witnessed violence by the Egyptian security forces. This article was translated and published in Arabic.

Living in the Aftermath
Dalia Rabie writes on the ways in which survivors of the Raba’a massacre mourn those who have lost their lives in the bloodbath. This article was translated and published in Arabic.

A Year behind Bars: Ibrahim Halawa
Joel Gulhane writes on Ibrahim Halawa, an Irish Egyptian who was arrested and imprisoned when the security forces evacuated Al-Fath Mosque. The mosque grounds were being used as a field hospital and morgue following the violent dispersal of the Rab`a and Nahdah sit-ins.  

Survivors of Raba’a Massacre Still Search for Justice
Sarah el-Sirgany says, "A year has passed since more than a thousand pro-Morsi protesters were killed in Cairo, and anger festers among families of victims who demand justice."

The ‘Revolution’ Continues: Massacres, Violence and Counting Deaths
Jihad Abaza explores the state`s resolution to committing mass murder against the opposition since the January 25 Revolution. 

The Amputation of Egypt’s Islamist Political Arm
Tarek Radwan assesses the judiciary`s relation with the state in light of the verdict banning the Muslim Brotherhood`s Freedom and Justice Party.

Reports and Opinions:

Israel, Hamas and the Making of the New Arab World
Maged Mandour argues that the pending outcomes of the Arab uprisings have led to a wide acceptance by Arab governments and publics of Israel`s narrative during its latest offensive in Gaza.

Re-Writing Egypt`s Unforgettable History
Mina Fayek says: "Egypt`s future in the long run will be in the hands of the revolutionary youth who through their embrace of technology will prevent historical revisionism and whitewashing." 

Egypt`s liberal coup?
Faheem Hussain argues, "Contrary to appearances, the embrace by some Egyptian liberals of anti-democratic practices may not be in contradiction with their liberal principles."

Women: A Critical National Asset for Egypt
Amr Khalifa explores the role of women in post-revolutionary Egypt.

What Future Awaits Egypt’s Political Parties?
Ahmed Abd Rabou analyzes the ramifications of new legislation on political parities in parliament.

The June 30 Civilian Alliance
Hiba Afify provides a timeline of political parities, groups, and figures who have shifted alliances with the ruling regime in the past year.

Minister Discusses Long-Term Education Strategy with Sisi
Mada Masr reports on the protective outcomes of the educational development project which extends to 2030. 

Mr. Moneybags in Egypt
Jonathan Guyer comments on Al-Masry Al-Youm`s publishing of three political cartoons on corruption.

Solidarity Is Not a One Way Street: Teargas from Manama to Missouri
Erin Kilbride explores the possibility of evolvement of solidarity between protesters facing state brutality in the Middle East and protesters in Ferguson, Missouri.    

In Arabic:

عام على فض اعتصامى رابعة والنهضة
Amr Hamzawy reflects on the political and social indifference towards the Raba`a and Nahda Square massacres.

ذكرى فض رابعة.. بين العنف والحشد والتغطية
Shady Zalt sheds light on the police brutality against journalists and photojournalists.

مصعب الشامي.. أن توثّق مذبحة
Mustafa Mohie writes on photojournalist Mosa`ab el-Shamy, who documented the Raba`a massacre through his camera lens and released the images on his Flickr account.

عن المذبحة، عن الانحطاط، عن الحكمة بأثر رجعي
Ahmed Hassanein critiques supporters of the military coup last July.

لواء مخابرات حربيّة: تشديد الرّقابة على الإسلاميّين المجنّدين في الجيش المصريّ
Ahmed Fouad says: "The recent announcement by Egyptian attorney Azeb Makhlouf warning about the recruitment of men affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in the Egyptian army has stirred controversy." This article is translated and published in English.

الإجراءات التقشّفية ورفع أسعار المحروقات ليست كافية لإصلاح الاقتصاد المصريّ
Aya Aman explores the impact of austerity measures on the state of the economy in the country. This article is translated and published in English.

المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية: مناهج التعليم تعكس قومية مفرطة وينقصها احترام التنوع
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) releases a study analyzing "the history and national instruction curricula" entitled: "Nationalism and Homogeneity in Contemporary Curricula." Summary and study was translated and published in English. 

العاصمة الإدارية.. حل لمشاكل القاهرة أم هروب منها؟
Mustafa Mohie examines the developmental project to turn Cairo into an "administrative" city.

!سباق السيسى مع الزمن
Abdel Monem Sa`eid reflects on the developmental and economic challenges that face President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and analyzes the regime`s projected plans to overcome these struggles. 

«يا ثورة ما يهزك «ديب
Tamer Abu Arab reacts to the increased defamation of the January 25 Revolution and revolutionary activists while exempting Mubarak and security institutions.      

يحاكمون الثورة وليس مبارك
Fahmy Huwaidy comments on "the sense of impunity [that] pervades Egypt`s security institutions."

Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt

Egypt: Rab’a Killings Likely Crimes Against Humanity
Jadaliyya’s Reports Page publishes Human Rights Watch report on the Egyptian security forces’ violence dispersal of the Raba’a sit-in on 14 August 2013.

The Terror Metanarrative and the Raba’a Massacre
Abdullah Al-Arian examines the ramifications of state oppression and violence against the opposition, namely the Egyptian state’s suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1940s.

 On 14 August, A Belated Obituary for Bassem Mohsen
Philip Rizk remembers Bassem Mohsen, who was shot in the forehead by an army sniper bullet.

ما بعد الناصرية الجزء الثاني
Amr Adly analyzes the political and social dynamics that led to the persistence of “Nasserism” since the 1950s in Egypt. 

The Ongoing Ceasefire Negotiations: Al Jazeera English Interview with Jadaliyya Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani
Jadaliyya’s Interview Page publishes Al Jazeera English’s interview with Mouin Rabbani, who comments on Egypt-led ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Palestine in light of the latest Israeli offensive in Gaza.