[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

Regional and International Relations:

Egypt: Rebranding Sisi
John Bell writes,al-Sisi has skilfully repositioned himself as a strategic pillar in the Middle East—how long can he keep it up?”

What’s Happening with Suspended Military Aid for Egypt? Part I
Amy Hawthorne argues the United States’ military aid suspension to Egypt did not lead to democratic reforms in the country. 

US Sending Long-Awaited Apaches to Egypt
Mada Masr reports, “Spokesperson for the United States State Department Jen Psaki said on Thursday that the United States is in the process of sending the promised Apache helicopters to Egypt.”

Egypt Warplanes Hit Libya Militias, Officials Say
Maggie Michael and Omar al-Mosmari report that Egyptian warplanes bombed Islamists militias’ positions in Libya, yet officials’ statements deny the country’s involvement in the airstrike campaign in the country.

The Lie Behind the Gaza Reconstruction Conference
Ricard Gonzalez writes on the lack of transparency in the Gaza Reconstruction Conference held in Cairo last Sunday. 

Irrigation Minister: Why We Should Revisit the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
Egypt’s Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazy highlights the importance of the tripartite committee; including Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia to discuss the Renaissance Dam. 

Student Protests:

New Student Coalition Demands More Freedom and Rights
Adham Youssef writes on Egypt’s Student Coalition (ESC) a new student coalition formed last week following the violent dispersal of the student protests on the first day of the academic year. 

Factbox: Egypt`s Student Protests
Shiyun Lu writes a comprehensive piece on the developments of student protests on university campuses.

Egypt: Security Forces Use Excessive Force to Crush Student Protests
Amnesty International releases a statement accusing the security forces of using ‘excessive force’ as a means to disperse student protests.

The Students Are Back Indeed
Zeinobia details the Islamists and non-Islamists student protests on university campuses against the regime and the private security firm ‘Falcon’ with a reference to the late dissident musician Sheikh Emam and poet Ahmed Fouad Nagm’s song “The Students Are Back,”  which praises the student movement in 1970s.

The Falcons on Campus
Reem Khorshid describes the security procedures on Cairo University campus on the first day of the academic year.

Egyptian Students Behind Bars as Classes Resume
Muhamma Ghamrawy sheds light on students who have been imprisoned by the security forces for protesting or supporting the Muslim Brotherhood on university campuses since the 2013 academic year. 


Human Rights and Rule of Law:

Egypt’s NGO Laws Continue to Threaten Civil Society
Ahmed Naje writes on the ramifications of the restrictive NGOs laws on Egypt’s civil society.

In Egypt, An Authoritarian Regime Holds Sway Again
Adhaf Soueif argues, “Egypt is commandeering every resource to establish control over the country–with more to come.”

On Hunger Strikes: A Brief Background
Mada Masr writes briefs on hunger strikers imprisoned in Egypt and elsewhere around the world.

Hunger Striker Soltan Ordered to Return to Prison from Hospital
Ahram Online reports that the trial of hunger striker Mohamed Soltan adjourned to 22 October 2014.

Egypt Arrests Around 200 Illegal Migrants Near Libya
A total of 196 illegal immigrants arrested for being present in an “off-limits military area” at the Egyptian-Libyan borders. 

Parliamentary Elections:

Military Officer Takes Charge as First Secretary-General of Egypt`s Parliament
Gamal Essam El-Din writes on the appointment of army major general Khaled Abdelsallam al-Sadr as secretary-general of Egypt’s parliament—making him the first man from the military to hold this post.

Reports and Opinions:

Between the Ranks
Passant Rabie argues, “The recent prosecution of policemen raises questions over the regime’s intentions regarding the police forces’ lower ranks.”

Did Al Jazeera Uphold its Responsibility to its Staff?
Mohannad Sabry writes an investigative report revealing that Al Jazeera failed to protect its employees in Egypt despite warnings from journalists and lawyers to top representatives of the news channel.

UPDATE - Six Security Personnel Killed in Arish Explosion–Armed Forces
Aswat Masriya reports that an explosion went off near a security convoy in Sinai’s al-Arish killing six security officers and injuring five.

Foreign Ministry Accuses Carter Center of Lies, Double Standards
Mada Masr reports on the Egyptian foreign ministry’s reaction to the Carter Center’s decision to permanently close their Cairo office.  

The Left of the Arab World
Jano Charbel writes on the “Contemporary Leftist Politics in the Arab World” Conference held in Tunisia, highlighting a panel discussion on the underlying causes that led leftist-leaning groups to support al-Sisi in the presidential elections.

Street Graffiti from Spain to the Arab World
Muftah writes on the common factors street art has from Spain to various Arab states including Egypt, especially following the January 25 Revolution. The article refers to documentaries produced, videos made, and articles written on the topic of street graffiti in the region and beyond. 

Digital Demands from Children in Egypt & Around the World
Erin Kilbride writes on the paradox of the developing countries’ restrictive and monitoring tactics imposed on digital activities and the diffusion of Internet usage among younger generations in Egypt and elsewhere around the world.  

Egypt Army Arrests Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis Leader: Sources
Ahram Online: “The leader of the military wing of Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, the Sinai-based militant group, has been arrested according to an official source.”

BOOK: Workers and the Egyptian Revolution
3arabawy links to a co-authorized book by Anne Alexander and Mostafa Bassiouny entitled: “Workers and the Egyptian Revolution,” which focuses on the significant role organized workers played in the Egyptian January 25 Revolution.

UAE Company to Cement Deal for One Million Egyptian Homes
Mada Masr reports that the United Arab Emirates’ Arabtec Company to commence building affordable housing units by the end of this year.

Signs of Rebound in Egypt’s Tourism Sector
Robert Tashima presents quantitative analysis reflecting signs of improvement in the tourism sector and foreign investment.

In Arabic

القوى المدنيّة وجنرالات الجيش المصريّ يمنحان الإسلاميّين الأغلبيّة في البرلمان المقبل
Rami Galal writes, “As Egypt gears up for parliamentary elections, many fear that former generals will be elected to consolidate President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi`s power.” This article is translated and published in English.

 كيف وصف البنك الدولي أحوال المصريين
Mohamed Gad reviews the World Bank’s report on Egypt’s economy.

معايير مؤسسة التمويل الدولية.. حبر على ورق
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights releases a study entitled: “International Finance Institution and the Enforcement of Standards for Environmental and Social Sustainability,” revealing that the private financing company International Finance Corporation (IFC) has committed several violations against labor rights and environmental laws despite its obligations to guarantee labor rights and protect the environment. Click here to read a summary of this study in English

حرية الفكر والتعبير: القبض على 195 طالب جامعي منذ بدء العام الدراسي
Mada Masr: 195 students arrested since the beginning of the academic year, according to the Association of Freedom of Thought and Expression.  

حكايا الثورة والجامعة
Mai Shams El-Din reflects on student protests’ imitation of revolutionary movements outside university campuses.

خارطة طريق عاجلة لحل أزمة الجامعات
Mohamed Abdelsalam lists six recommendations to solve the student protest crisis on Egypt’s university campuses.

أزمة الجامعات بين الاحتواء والمواجهة
Fahmy Huwaidy suggests several reconciliatory means to contain student protests on university campuses.

مجلس الوزراء يقرر تنفيذ حكم قضائي بحظر أنشطة "تحالف دعم الشرعية"
Cabinet to implement court ruling banning National Alliance to Support Legitimacy--a Muslim Brotherhood-led alliance launched in opposition to the June 2013 anti-Morsi protests. Click here to read the report in English.

ندرة المياه والعائد الاقتصاديّ قد يعيقان خطّة الدولة المصريّة لزراعة 4 ملايين فدّان
Aya Aman writes, “Egypt plans to cultivate four million acres of strategic crops for its large population, but water scarcity and a lack of funds raise doubts about its feasibility.” This article is translated and published in English.

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Hassan Khan in Conversation with Mohamed Abdelkarim
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Egypt’s Conservative Nationalism: Discourse and Praxis of the New Regime
Amr Adly analyzes and dissects Egypt’s conservative nationalist rhetoric politically, economically, and socially. He argues that it may lead to long-lasting socio-political crises. 

Hashem L Kelesh
Medrar TV produces a video on Egyptian visual artist and musician Hashem L Kelesh offering insights on his artistic process and highlighting the musicians and artists’ community’s preference of online platforms compared to physical spaces.