[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Regional and International  

UK police asked to investigate alleged Bahraini hacking of exiles’ computers Privacy International asks the National Cyber Crime Unit to investigate allegations that the computers and mobile phones of Bahraini activists living in the United Kingdom “are under illegal surveillance.”

Qatar Emir tells Saudi King he met terms to end GCC rift: Gulf source The Qatari emir met with the Saudi king in Jeddah and held talks on the rift among members of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Saudi Arabia and Iran swap accusations as tensions persist Michelle Moghtader analyzes the recent deterioration in Saudi-Iranian relations after the Saudi foreign minister accused Iran of being “an occupying force” in Syria. 

The Saudi oil war against Russia, Iran and the US Pepe Escobar argues that Saudi Arabia’s manipulation of oil prices is “a highly predatory pricing strategy, which boils down to reducing market share of its competitors, in the middle- to long-term.”

Riyadh using oil as a weapon Hassan Chakrani reflects on reports that Saudi Arabia and the United States were behind the recent drop in oil prices in their efforts to impose their agendas on other producers, including Iran and Russia.

Audacious Gulf policies and military adventures: the case of the UAE Asad AbuKhalil asserts that the new generation of Arab rulers in the Gulf States are adopting aggressive foreign policies in an attempt to win the approval of the United States.

Yemen`s al Qaeda expresses support for Islamic State against `crusade` Al-Qa‘ida in Yemen declares its support for the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria.

Egypt to receive $5bn in loans from UAE and Saudi Arabia: Source Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will lend Egypt five billion dollars on concessionary terms.

US security contractor shot dead in Saudi Arabian capital One US citizen was killed and another wounded in a gun attack at a petrol station in Riyadh.

Saudi inmate to stay at Guantanamo, another cleared for transfer A US national security panel clears a Saudi inmate for transfer to Saudi Arabia.

Our Friends in Riyadh Toby C. Jones argues that Washington “is allied with Saudi Arabia not in spite of the country’s authoritarian political order, but because of it.”

Masked assailants firebomb Saudi consulate cars in Suez Four men firebombed two diplomatic vehicles belonging to the Saudi consulate in Suez.

Qatar officials dismiss IS funding claims Senior officials rejected claims that Qatar is supporting the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria.

Reports and Opinions

Saudi Arabia sentences Sheikh Nimr to death A Saudi judge sentences the outspoken Shia cleric to death.

Saudi Arabia faces outcry over death sentence for Shia faith leader Ian Black analyzes the international cry over Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr’s death sentence. 

The Shia in Saudi Arabia: The sword unsheathed An Economist article on the reaction of the Shi’i inhabitants of Saudi Arabia to Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr’s death sentence.

Saudi Arabia steps up beheadings; some see political message Angus McDowall analyzes the surge in beheadings in Saudi Arabia in the last two months. 

When It Comes to Beheadings, ISIS Has Nothing Over Saudi Arabia Janine di Giovanni writes on the silence on regular beheadings in Saudi Arabia in the international press.

Saudi convicts 22 on militant charges, sentences one to death: SPA A Saudi court sentences one man to death and twenty-one others to jail after they were convicted of military crimes.

Saudi Arabia`s Shi`ites fear they are at mercy of region`s tumult Angus McDowall examines the crackdown on the Shi`a inhabitants in the Eastern Province in light of Nimr al-Nimr’s death sentence.

Saudi Arabia: Women jailed for supporting al-Qaeda A Saudi court sentences four women to six to ten years in prison on charges of preparing their sons to wage jihad.

Saudi women`s driving campaign gathers pace Activists say that the online campaign seeking an end to the ban on women driving has been a success.

Saudi Arabia warns women not to join protest against ban on driving The Saudi interior minister issues a warning to women not to drive.

Kuwait sentences 13 over controversial speech A Kuwaiti court sentences thirteen people to two years in prison for reading a speech by a member of the opposition.

Former Kuwait speaker contests conspiracy reports Jasem Al Khorafi’s lawyer asserts that reports that his client has not been charged with toppling the regime are unfounded.

Repression in Bahrain 

In Bahrain, human rights defenders are under attack – but we won’t be deterred Maryam al-Khawaja writes on the ongoing harassment and imprisonment of human rights activists in Bahrain, including her sister, Zainab al-Khawaja, who was recently arrested for tearing up a photograph of the king.

Bahrain F1 Grand Prix rights complaint ‘merits examination’ A British government panel asserts that a complaint by activists that human rights were violated during the event “merits further examination.”

Bahrain condemns pre-election attacks Habib Toumi reports on a series of arson attacks on the private property of some of the candidates.

Crisis in Yemen

Who Lost Yemen? Charles Schmitz argues that the fall of Sanaa to the Houthis has restructured the Yemeni political scene as well as regional calculations.

Yemen: An oil drum and many powderkegs Mona Safwan writes on the substantial oil reserves in Yemen, and maintains that Yemen has the potential of being an important regional power.

Yemen’s president names UN envoy Khaled Bahah as prime minister The Houthis welcome the Yemeni president’s appointment of Khaled Bahah as prime minister.

Shia rebels seize control of port city and province in Yemen The Houthis took control of Hodeida, a key port city on the Red Sea.

Al Qaeda and Houthis clash in central Yemen: residents Mohammed Ghobari reports on clashes between the Houthis and al-Qa‘ida militants in Bayda.

Sunni tribesmen and Houthi fighters clash in Yemen, 15 dead Clashes between the Houthis and tribal fighters leave fifteen people dead.

Yemen Houthis and tribesmen reach truce deal Houthi rebels and tribal fighters reach a twenty-four hour ceasefire in Ibb.

Al Qaeda attacks kill at least 33 people in Yemen A Suicide bombing and gun attacks in Bayda leave thirty-three people dead.

Southern movement stages mass rally in Yemen Peter Salisbury reports on tens of thousands of Yemenis, who gathered in Aden demanding succession from northern Yemen.

Yemen separatists urge oil firms to stop exports from south Southern separatists ask the government to evacuate its soldiers and civil servants by the end of November, and that foreign firms producing oil and gas stop exports immediately.

Yemen at risk of civil war, says ambassador The Yemeni ambassador to the United Kingdom warns that Yemen is on the verge of a civil war.

Ten civilians killed as Yemeni Houthis advance into Qaeda stronghold The Houthi fighters, backed by the government, push into the governorate of al-Bayda.

Yemen restores main oil export pipeline after attack Yemen resumes exports of oil from its main pipeline, one day after an attack by tribesmen.

Migrant Workers

Egyptian Workers Riot in Western Saudi Arabia Five Saudis are injured when a group of Egyptian workers rioted in Duba in a rare protests by foreign workers.

20-year cap on expat residency proposed in Kuwait A Kuwaiti lawmaker proposes a draft law that aims to address “demographic imbalances” in Kuwait.

Dreams Turned Into Nightmares: Indonesian Domestic Workers in the UAE Janet Walsh reports on the plight of Indonesian workers in the Gulf state.


Saudi mufti: Twitter "the source of all evil" Shaykh Abdul Aziz Al al-Shaykh describes Twitter as “a source of lies.”

Call to confront media challenges The Bahraini minister of state for media affairs asserts that specific regulations for the use of social networking are needed.

Human Rights

Bahrain: Release activist detained for ripping up photo of King Amnesty International calls upon Bahraini authorities to release Zainab al-Khawaja, who was arrested after she tore up a photograph of the king.

Bahrain: Free Activist Charged with Insulting King Human Rights Watch urges Bahraini authorities to free Zainab al-Khawaja.

Saudi Arabia: Prominent Shia Cleric Sentences to Death Human Rights Watch deplores the decision of the Specialized Criminal Court to sentence Shaykh Nimr al-Nimr to death.

Update: Bahrain: Another case brought against jailed human rights defender Zainab Al-Khawaja The Gulf Center for Human Rights reports on the arrest of Zainab al-Khawaja.

Update: Kuwait: Human rights defender Sulaiman Bin Jasim sentenced to one month in prison The Gulf Center for Human Rights condemns the imprisonment of Sulaiman bin Jasim for one month.

Bahrain: Ongoing detention of leading human rights defender Nabeel Rajab The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expresses concerns over the detention of Nabil Rajab. 

United Arab Emirates: Trapped, Exploited, Abused Human Rights Watch issues a report on migrant workers in the United Arab Emirates entitled “‘I Already Bought You’: Abuse and Exploitation of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in the United Arab Emirates.”

Saudi Arabia: Raif Badawi facing 1000 lashes in public for his human rights works The Gulf Center for Human Rights reports that the minister of interior is about to give the orders to start lashing Badawi.


القتل قرار
Elie Shalhoub writes on Saudi authorities’ decision to sentence shaykh Nimr al-Nimr to death. 

حكم «تعزيري» بحق النمر: حتى يطلب أحد العفو؟
Abdul-Rahim Asi maintains that regional developments—including the deterioration in Saudi-Iranian relations and the fall of Sanaa—could have impacted the decision to sentence shaykh Nimr al-Nimr to death. 

السعوديون عبر «تويتر»: لضرب مصالح المملكة في كل مكان
Mariam Abdullah reports on the repercussions of shaykh Nimr al-Nimr’s death sentence. 

«الوفاق البحرينية»: الحكم يصب الزيت على النار
Bahrain’s al-Wifaq National Islamic Society condemns the Saudi decision to sentence shaykh Nimr al-Nimr to death. 

إيران تحذر السعودية من تأجيج التوتر
Tehran calls upon Riyadh to suspend shaykh Nimr al-Nimr’s death sentence. 

قضية الشيخ النمر مع القضاء السعودي: من يحاكم من؟
Ali Ibrahim Mattar argues that the sentencing of shaykh Nimr al-Nimr to death raises questions about justice and the rights of citizens in Saudi Arabia. 

السعودية: توقيف شقيق الشيخ نمر النمر
The Saudi authorities arrest shaykh Nimr al-Nimr’s brother. 

خالد بحاح رئيساً للحكومة... بموافقة الحوثيين
Jamal Jubran examines the decision to appoint Khalid Bahah as prime minister. 

اليمن: برميل بارود... وبراميل نفط
Mona Safwan writes on the substantial oil reserves in Yemen, and maintains that Yemen has the potential of being an important regional power. 

هل تنهي «المليونية» تشرذم الجنوبيين؟
Yassir al-Yafi’ wonders if the the million man march, called for by the southern movement, will end the divisions in southern Yemen. 

الحوثيون ينتزعون موطئ قدم على البحر الأحمر
The Houthis manage to control the city of Hodaida, which overlooks the Red Sea. 

اليمن: 12 قتيلاً في اشتباكات بين الحوثيين و"القاعدة"
Twelve people died during clashes between Houthis and al-Qa’ida in the city of Bayda. 

اليمن: 16 قتيلاً في مواجهات بين الحوثيين و"الإصلاح"
Sixteen people die during clashes between the Houthis and Islah supporters in Ibb. 

«أنصار الله» يتوعّدون بهزيمة «القاعدة».. وعشرات الضحايا في اليمن
Khalil Harb writes on local and regional powers that have decided to curb the Houthis’ influence in Yemen. 

اليمن: "القاعدة" تتقدّم في وجه الحوثيين
Al-Qa’ida militants push against the Houthis in Ibb. 

«قاعدة» اليمن يدعم «داعش» ضد «الحملة الصليبية»
Al-Qa’ida in Yemen announces that it supports the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria. 

سجال سعودي ـ إيراني
A news report on the deterioration in Iranian-Saudi relations after the Saudi foreign minster asked Iran to withdraw its “occupying forces” from Syria, Iran, and Yemen. 

إيران: لإنهاء الوجود العسكري السعودي في البحرين
The Iranian foreign minister calls upon Saudi Arabia to withdraw its troops from Bahrain. 

طريق طهران ـ الرياض مغلقة حتى إشعار آخر
Fouad Ibrahim argues that the recent deterioration in Iranian-Saudi relations reflects the fact that the Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, is in control of Saudi Arabis’s foreign affairs. 

الانخراط العالمي للإمارات... في الاتجاه الخطأ
Abbas Bousafwan examines the implications of the United Arab Emirates’ bombing of Libya in August. 

قوة بحرية لـ«مجلس التعاون الخليجي»
Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council decide to establish joint defense marine forces. 

الرياض: مقتل أميركي بإطلاق نار
A US national security panel clears a Saudi man for transfer to Saudi Arabia. 

الرياض ـ تكساس: جرّب نار النفط
Hassan Chakrani reflects on reports that Saudi Arabia and the United States were behind the recent drop in oil prices in their efforts to impose their agendas on other producers, including Iran and Russia. 

مملكة الوقاحة
Amer Mohsen writes on Saudi Arabia as a “kingdom of insolence.” 

الكويت: أسعار الوقود ترتفع ثلاثة أضعاف
The Kuwaiti authorities decide to triple the prices of fuel and diesel. 

تظاهرة في السعودية احتجاجاً على حكم إعدام النمر
More than one hundred people in al-Awamiyya demonstrated on Friday to protest the death sentence of Nimr al-Nimr.

أنصار الله: نرفض قرارات مصدرها الخارج
The Houthis assert that they will “reject any decisions coming from abroad.”

الحوثيون يجددون رفضهم المشاركة في حكومة الوحدة الوطنية
A news report on conflicting news on whether the Houthis will take part in a government of national unity.

الحوثي: تدخلات خارجية تعرقل تأليف الحكومة
The Houthi leader claims that foreign interference is behind the delay in the formation of a government of national unity.

اليمن: الحوثيون يدخلون معقلاً لـالقاعدة
The Houthis control an al-Qa’ida’s stronghold in al-Bayda.

هكذا سقط اليمن في قبضة الحوثيين
A news report on the one-month anniversary of the fall of Sanaa to the Houthis.

اليمن: تجدّد الاشتباكات في رداع
Fresh clashes between the Houthis and al-Qa’ida erupt in Radi’.

الحوثي: تخاذل حكومي في وجه «تمدد» القاعدة
The Houthis accuse the Yemeni government of wavering in the face of al-Qa’ida’s “expansion.”

السعودية: الإعدام لمعارضيْن
A Saudi court sentences two men to death on charges of attempting to kill a policeman in al-Awamiyya.

الرياض: سجن أربع نساء بتهمة تجهيز أبنائهن لـالجهاد
A Saudi court sentences four women to jail on charges of preparing their sons to wage jihad.

الكويت: سجن 13 شخصاً قرأوا خطاباً ضد الأمير
A Kuwaiti court sentences thirteen people to two years in jail for reading a speech, written by a member of the opposition, criticizing the emir.

الكويت: مؤتمر للحد من تجنيد الجهاديين
Kuwait will host a conference focusing on efforts to curb campaigns to recruit jihadis in Syria and Iraq.

إقفال حقل الخفجي السعودي ـ الكويتي: «أسباب بيئية».. أم أزمة علاقات؟
Wissam Matti reflects on Saudi Arabia’s decision to close the Khafji oil field, which it shares with Kuwait.