[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Inside Syria 

Syria will not get resolution while the opposition bickers Hassan Hassan on why the Syrian opposition may be its own worst enemy (Syrian opposition vis-a-vis recent military developments in Kobani/Syria).

Kobani Every Day in Damascus Countryside Increased military pressure and has instilled fear and terror among the civilian population and massacres are taking place without punishment.

Assad refers state budget bill to people’s assembly Syrian President Bashar Al Assad gets state budget bill (1,554 billion Syrian pounds) approved by the cabinet in efforts to improve Syrian economy and current living conditions.

Conditions in al-Mezze airport prison are terrifying: details published for first time Detailed report on the conditions of the al-Mezze military prison and detention centers in regime-held areas of Syria. How are detainees treated and held captive?

Losing hope in the regime: Alawites’ position on anti-ISIS coalition Left-wing Alawites believe the Syrian uprising was caused by foreign subversion rather than actions by the Syrians to serve their best interests.

Syrian war merchants now selling university degrees With the number of Syrian refugees increasing, and many trying to emigrate to European countries, Syrian war merchants have begun to forge university degrees and sell them.

My Syrian Diary Part 15: Seeking New Dreams, Chasing Old Ones A teenage girl from one of Syria’s besieged cities tells her story of the Syrian crisis, and how it is affecting civilians and soldiers alike.

Regional and International Perspectives

U.S. humanitarian aid going to ISIS “Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even supplies--- going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.”

Kobani marks the rising profile, prominence and power of Syria`s Kurds Mutlu Civiroglu on the strategic dimension of the Kurdish fight, the YPG, and the role of the Kurds in taking on ISIS.

ISIS exploits tribal fault lines to control its territory Hassan Hassan on ISIS, its strategy to divide and rule and why it has been successful thus far.

Policy and Reports

Who are the soldiers of the Islamic State? Aron Lund claims that the “Islamic State’s successes have created a flood of new defections.”

In Syria’s wartime dynamics, U.S. strikes face pushback and fallout Aron Lund discusses U.S. strategy, and the potential outcome of striking Jabhat al Nusra

Civilians killed in strikes on ISIS, as fears grow on the ground Bassam al Ahmed of the VDC and his view on the strikes against ISIS and danger of ISIS entering residential areas.

ISIS reveals its strategy ISIS exposes photographs and provides updates on their military campaign in their English online Magazine, Dabiq.

Economy and Agriculture

Cutting off ISIS` Cash Flow Charles Lister gives insight on the role of external actors in funding ISIS and how countering their sources of finance can ultimately destroy ISIS.

Syria asks for free trade zone with Russia With a terribly damaged economy, Syria applies to be a part of a free trade zone with Russia that will be contemplated at the EEC in late 2014.

How long will ISIS last economically?
Eckart Woert examines ISIS’s organizational structure, its ransoms, looting, taxation and foreign support.

Documentaries and Media

Inside Aleppo: where Syrian people seek to live everyday lives – in pictures “Photographer Thom Walker visited the government-controlled western area of the war-torn city of Aleppo, where many Syrians have taken refuge and are striving or a semblance of normality.”

Inside Kobane: town charred and bloody from battle with Islamic State Exclusive footage showing the destruction and aftermath of the battle for Kobane.

Syrian rap: from death to music Syrians have found one of the best ways to cope with the radical shift and challenges they face on a day to day basis: rap music.  

 سمير العيطة: لم يعد في سوريا ثورة بل ذكرى ثورة - أخبار الآن
An interview with Samir Aita, member of Syrian Democratic Forum and director of Le Monde Diplomatique, who provides his perspectives on the ongoing conflict in Syria. According to Aita, " there is no longer a revolution in Syria "


ما هي الطائفية؟ حوار مع سلامة كيلة و فكتوريوس شمس
“The term of "sectarianism" is heard whenever the Middle East or Syria is discussed; yet a talking head would be pressed to define what they mean by sectarianism. Mohammad Dibo speaks to two prominent Arab thinkers Salameh Kaileh and Victorios Shams, who provide their perspectives by going back to the basics.” 

ناهد بدوية : شهادة عن الاعتقال السياسي في سوري
Nahed Badawia writes about her experience as a political prisoner in Syria. 

الفتيات السوريات ينخرطن في الصراع المسلح... ونزف بطيء لسنوات
Ibrahim Hmeidi writes about the increasing involvement of Syrian girls in the armed conflict as fighters whether on the side of the governmental forces or the different fractions of the opposition.

مع أمطار الشتاء الأولى... المخيّمات فاضت على النازحين
Mohammed al-Khatieb reports about the severe conditions Syrian refugees have to live in camps during winter. 

The English Translation of this article
Rain batters Syrian refugee camps as winter looms 

موسيقى في دمشق على الرغم من الحرب
Mustafa al-Haj reports about the initiatives of young Syrian musicians who perform on the streets of Damascus to engage passersby, despite the security crackdowns. 

The English Translation of this article
Syrian youth revive street performances 

المطامع التركية في سوريا
Hussein al-Oudat writes about Turkish ambitions in Syria. 

رسالة إلى «عين العرب»
Habib Issa, Syrian human rights activist, addresses Syrian Kurds calling them to avoid regionalism and to adhere to “national contract”. 

من سيتلقّى "تدريبًا وتجهيزًا" في سوريا على يد تركيا؟
According to al-monitor `s Week in Review,“Turkey reportedly to train mostly Turkmen force, primarily to oppose Bashar al-Assad, not Islamic State; Al-Monitor Syria Pulse correspondents report on fighting in Aleppo and Daraa; Why did Assad dismiss his top security official?”

The English translation of this article
Who will Turkey `train and equip` in Syria? 

"القاعدة" و"داعش" أصبحتا أكبر حزبَيْن شعبيّيْن عربيّيْن؟
Jihad al Zein writes about the increasing popularity of radical Islamists organizations, such as ISIS and al Qaeda, following the failure of Muslim Brotherhoods. 

The English translation of this article
Will Washington negotiate with al-Qaeda, IS someday? 

الأمم المتّحدة تحاور حزب الله حول سوريا أم أبعد؟!
Jean Aziz reports about the recent visit of Staffan de Mistura who is "the first UN special representative to the Syrian conflict to meet with Hezbollah officials to get the organization`s assessment of the Syrian crisis".

The English translation of this article
UN envoy meets with Hezbollah to discuss Syria 

الثروة الحرجية في سوريا تزول تدريجياً: ما لم تلتهمه الحرب.. صار حطباً للشتاء!
Alaa Halabi reports that "forests in war-ravaged Syria face double jeopardy as they burn as a result of battles or are being chopped down to be sold or used".

The English translation of this article
Trees in Syria becoming lucrative business

أمير أم أميران لـ«داعش» في القلمون؟
Abddallah Suleiman Ali writes about the different claims regarding the real emir of Qalamoun.

The English translation of this article
Who`s the emir of Qalamoun? 

«بزنس الحرب»: «أوبك» سورية ومناطق حرة
Ziad Ghosn writes about the economy of war in Syria and the illicit trade of the Syrian oil.   

د.محمد شحرور… يعلّق على رجم “داعش” لامرأة بتهمة الزنا
Dr. Muhammad Shahrur, a Syrian scholar, comments on ISIS Stoning a woman to death, allegedly for adultery. 

حين تضيق القابون بخيرة أبناءها وتطعنهم في الظهر
Two prominent Syrian activists have been kidnapped in al-Qaboun. 

شبح التجنيد وسحب الإحتياط يخيم على مدينة حماة
A report from Hama about the fears of youth male Syrians after reports of forced conscription. 

«جُرح» المتغيرات الديموغرافية: سوريا قد تخسر هرمها السكاني      
Ziad Ghosn writes about the acute demographic changes in Syria.

ثلاثية تليق ببيان الرباعية.. د.حازم نهار
Hazem Nahar harshly criticized the outcome statement (October 16, 2014) of four political trends of the Syrian opposition, including the National Coordination Body (NCB).

"ممنوع التدخين!" في الرد على حازم نهار بخصوص بيان الرباعية.. محمد الجرف*
In response to Hazem Nahar`s criticism, Muhammad al-Jerf criticizes Nahar`s article.