[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations

GCC announces steps to bolster security Basma Atassi reports on the final statement issued by members of the Gulf Cooperation Council at the end of the Doha summit.

GCC: In search of a vision Al Jazeera English interviews six Gulf scholars on the challenges facing the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Putting the GCC house in order Al Jazeera English’s Inside Story dedicates an episode on the relations among the Gulf states following the end of the Doha summit.

A loveless reunion: the summit of impossibilities convenes in Doha Fouad Ibrahim describes the Doha summit as the summit of impossibilities.

Exclusive: Cash-strapped Iraq seeks Kuwait war reparation delay Iraq seeks to postpone the payment of its final installment for reparations for its occupation of Kuwait.

How much of London is owned by Qatar’s royal family? Jon Henley discusses the implication of the Qatari royals’ acquisition of new buildings in London.

Yemeni man hopes landmark torture report will prompt long-awaited apology Spencer Ackerman reports on Mohammed Abdullah Saleh al-Asad’s demand for an apology from Djibouti, which is believed to have handed him to the United States for CIA rendition.

Failed Yemen rescue attempt highlights US forces’ recent poor recovery record Ewen MacAskill reports on the US defense secretary’s ruling out of a review of how the military and intelligence agencies deal with hostage crises.

Saudi Arabia links Dane`s shooting to Islamic State, arrests three An interior minister spokesperson says that the three suspects in connection with the shooting of a Danish man last month acted in sympathy with the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria.

Market, not OPEC, will determine oil price: UAE official The deputy director of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company asserts that the market “will dictate the oil price.”

Qatar halts mediation to free captive Lebanese soldiers Qatar says that its efforts to release Lebanese soldiers and policemen captured by Islamist militants have failed.

Reports and Opinions

Saudi Arabian security man shot dead in Shi`ite area: police An unidentified man killed a member of the security forces in Awamiya.

Saudi severs hand of man accused of theft as execution toll hits 80 A news report on the latest beheading in Saudi Arabia.

UAE court convicts 11 for helping al Qaeda affiliate: papers An Emirati court convicts eleven men on charges of sending fighters to join Syrian rebel groups.

Fears for female Saudi activist as detention for driving a car is extended Tracy McVeigh reports on Loujain al-Hathloul, whose detention is extended by twenty-five days following her defiance of the ban on female drivers.

Sheikha Mozah: the (un)acceptable face of Qatar’s global expansion Andrew Anthony argues that Sheikha Mozah’s acquisition of three buildings of Cornwall Terrace is “fundamentally a corporate operation.”

Repression in Bahrain

Bahrain activist sentenced to additional jail terms A Bahraini court sentences Zainab al-Khawaja, who had already been sentenced to three years in prison, to another sixteen months for insulting a government employee and damaging public property.

Policeman killed in `terrorist` attack in Bahrain: interior ministry The interior ministry announces that a policeman was killed by “a bomb made by the terrorist Hezbollah.”

Deadly bomb blast hits Bahrain village At least one person died in a bomb blast in a village southeast of Manama.

Bahrain convenes `new-look` parliament The Bahraini king opens the newly elected parliament. 

Crisis in Yemen

The Breakdown of the GCC Initiative Stacey Philbrick and Sheila Carapico write on the rise of the Houthis to power and the failure of the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative.

How Yemen`s Houthis control Sanaa and alarm the West Yara Bayoumy and Mohammed Ghobari analyze the reasons behind Western countries’ anxiety over the Houthis’ increasing power.

Yemenis angry after failed US rescue bid Residents of al-Matla village say that their family members were killed in the failed rescue mission by US and Yemeni forces last week.

Houthi fighters killed in Yemen attack Fourteen Houthi rebels die during fighting with Al-Qa‘ida in the Arabian Peninsula in al-Bayda.

Yemeni security forces shoot dead prominent southern separatist leader Soldiers from the paramilitary National Security Forces shot and killed Khaled al-Junaidi.

Yemen al Qaeda leader criticizes IS beheadings as un-Islamic A senior leader in al-Qa‘ida in Yemen describes beheadings by the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria as un-Islamic.

Human Rights

Yemen: Investigate killing of activist at peaceful protest Amnesty International calls upon the Yemeni authorities to investigate security forces’ killing of Khaled al-Junaidi.

Saudi Arabia: Human rights defender Samar Badawi banned from travel prior to EU meeting The Gulf Center for Human Rights deplores the Saudi authorities’ decision to ban Samar Badawi from traveling.

Bahrain: Zainab Al-Khawaja sentenced to years in prison The Gulf Center for Human Rights urges the Bahraini authorities to drop all charges against Zainab al-Khawaja.

Oman: Human rights defender Saed Jadad arbitrarily detained The Gulf Center for Human Rights expresses concern over the unlawful arrest of Saed Jadad.

UAE: Fear that Anti-Terrorism Law will be used to curtail human rights and target human rights defenders The Gulf Center for Human Rights argues that the new Emirati counterterrorism law poses a serious threat to human rights.

Joint Statement: NGOs Express Concern over UK Announcement of Military Expansion in Bahrain The Bahrain Center for Human Rights, along with another five organizations, expresses concerns over Britain’s decision to establish a military base in Bahrain.


تعديل حكومي في السعودية
A news report on a cabinet reshuffle in Saudi Arabia.

حكومة «الولاء والبراء» في السعودية
Fouad Ibrahim describes the recent cabinet reshuffle in Saudi Arabia as “cosmetic surgery” on a “flabby” body.

مقتل عنصر أمن سعودي في القطيف
An unidentified man killed a member of the security forces in Awamiya in Saudi Arabia.

سلطنة عمان: توقيف مدافع عن حقوق الإنسان
The Omani authorities arrest Saed Jadad, a human rights activist, with no arrest warrant from the prosecutor.

مأزق الخليج يجسد محنة العرب
Fahmi Huwaidi argues that Britain’s announcement that it will establish a military base in Bahrain reflects a vacuum in Arab politics.

محميات الخليج وإدارة المنطقة
Rabi’ Barakat writes on the return of the British protectorate system to the region.

البحرين: مقتل شرطي أردني وشخص في هجومين
A Jordanian policeman and a Bahraini national die in an explosion in a village in Bahrain.

عصيان مدني في عدن... ودول الخليج توقف دعمها لصنعاء
Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council decide to suspend aid to Yemen until the Houthis withdraw from Sanaa.

أنصار الله: الخليجيون يمعنون في التحريض السياسي والإعلامي في اليمن
The Houthis accuse the Gulf regimes of political and informational provocations in Yemen.

اليمن: مقتل 7 جنود في هجوم لـالقاعدة
Seven Yemeni soldiers die in two suicide blasts in Hadramawt.

اليمن | «القاعدة» يتبنّى تفجيرات استهدفت الجيش والحوثيين
An affiliate of al-Qa’ida in Yemen claims responsibility for the blasts that targeted the army and the Houthis.

اليمن بين الحوثيين و"القاعدة": الحرب في بدايتها
A news report on the war between the Houthis and al-Qa’ida in Yemen.

"قاعدة" اليمن ينتقد قطع الرؤوس لدى "داعش"
A senior leader in al-Qa‘ida in Yemen describes beheadings by the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria as un-Islamic.

إقالة رئيس الأركان اليمني
The Yemeni president relieves the Yemeni military chief, Major General Ahmed Ali al-Ashwal, of his position.

اليمن «القاعدة» يحمّل أوباما مسؤولية مقتل الرهينة الأميركي
Al-Qa’ida in Yemen blames the US administration for the death of the US hostage last week.

«الاشتراكي» يتّهم صالح بمحاولة اغتيال زعيمه: إحياءٌ للسجال مع «المؤتمر»
The Yemeni Socialist Party accuses the former president of attempting to assassinate its leader.

اليمن | أنصار الله «تطهّر» أرحب الاستراتيجية من القاعدة
The Houthis manage to drive al-Qa’ida from the strategic city of Arhab.

قمة الدوحة تنفضّ على «غزل» قطري ــ سعودي: دعم مطلق للسيسي... ومهادنة لإيــران
A news report on the Doha summit and the Saudi-Qatari rapprochement.

لقاء بلا غرام: قمة المستحيلات في الدوحة
Fouad Ibrahim describes the Doha summit as the summit of impossibilities.

المصالحة المصرية ـــ القطرية مؤجلة حتى إشعار آخر
Ahmed Jamal al-Din argues that the Egyptian-Qatari reconciliation is not likely to take place in the near future.

محللون: قطر تقدّم تنازلات للحفاظ على مصالحها
Qatar decides to make big concessions to reconcile its differences with the Gulf states.

الإمارات: السجن لـ11 إسلامياً من النصرة وأحرار الشام
An Emirati court sentences eleven Islamists suspected of belonging to Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham in Syria to prison.

قطر تسلّم العراق قائمة بفصائل مسلحة؟
Mustafa al-Furati writes on security and diplomatic coordination between Qatar and Iraq.

وزير الداخلية السعودي يجري محادثات في واشنطن
The Saudi interior minister meets with US officials in Washington.

العبادي في الإمارات اليوم.. والجبوري إلى طهران
The Iraqi prime minister pays a visit to the United Arab Emirates.