[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

Regional and International Relations

Fukuyama: U.S. ‘Got It Wrong’ on the Middle East
Political scientist Francis Fukuyama analyzes United States policy in the Middle East during a session at the Arab Strategy Forum held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 

Egypt Looks to Roll Back Islamist Militias in Libya      
Aya Aman writes, “The Egyptian government is closely coordinating with the elected parliament and government in Libya to win back control of Benghazi and Tripoli.”

Egypt Cautiously Accepts Reconciliation with Qatar
Walaa Hussain writes, “Egypt has accepted a Gulf initiative launched by Saudi Arabia to achieve reconciliation between Cairo and Doha, with the former stressing that Qatar stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.”


Extremist Group Agnad Masr Says Not Affiliated to IS
Al-Masry Al-Youm reports that Adnad Masr to release a video explaining its ideological and organizational identity via the group’s Twitter account.

Human Rights and Legal Institutions

Egyptian Government Raids Hammam and Arrests Dozens of Men on Charges of “Perversion”
William Barns writes on the arrest of thirty men on charges of “perversion.” Click here to read details on the arrest.

Egypt’s New Terrorism Law
Ryan J. Suto argues, “In the context of these previous legal actions, the goal of Egypt’s new terrorism law appears to be to suffocate the country’s civil society by granting the government the ability to eliminate any group it sees fit without providing evidence or reasoning.”

The Terrorist Entities Law: Egypt’s Latest    
Mai al-Sadany explains the Cabinet’s recently approved “Terrorist Entities Law.”

Egypt Tackles Embezzlement        
Rami Galal writes, “Egypt’s judiciary will consider a new reform to allow for amicable settlement between the government and those accused of embezzlement, bringing in recovered funds but also possibly legalizing corruption.”

Members of Egypt`s Constitutional Committee Testify in Retrial of Activists
El-Sayyed Gamal El-Din writers, “The trial of demonstrators against the protest law and military trials for civilians in the `Shura Council Case` has been adjourned to 20 December.”

Human rights `Cornerstone` of Egyptian Police: Minister 
Ahram Online reports, “Egypt`s interior ministry says the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be distributed among security personnel in a bid to enhance police respect for `human rights values`”

Who Cheered Mubarak’s Acquittal On?
Mina Fayek writes, “Less than four years have passed since the people of Egypt revolted against a tyrannical regime. Those tyrants have had all charges against them dropped, to many people`s dismay.”

Lawyer Calls for Catherine Ashton`s Testimony in Morsi Espionage Trial
Ahram Online reports, Morsi’s lawyers called for European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton to testify in Morsi’s espionage trial.

The Dead Cannot Cry Out for Justice
Hani Atalla argues brutality and viciousness is embedded within the security apparatus; therefore, Mubarak or his top security officials did not need to sign direct orders to kill protesters of the January 25 Revolution.   

The Senile State: A Close Reading (Part One)
Bilal Fadl writes on the security forces lack of accountability.

Gender and Sexuality

Violence against Women and Exclusion From Public Life
Douaa Hussein writes, “Campaigns to end violence against women in Egypt often focus on sexual harassment, though violence also extends to exclusion and stereotyping in political life.

Egypt Court to Hear Appeal Against Acquittal Verdict in FGM Death Case
Ahram Online reports.

University Protests

Pro-Brotherhood Protest Dispersed at Beni Suef University
Ahram Online reports.

Press and Media Freedoms

Social Media and Online Surveillance: Egypt and Abroad
Ahmed Ezzat analyzes the underlying causes behind Egypt’s conduct of digital surveillance in Egypt and beyond.

Reports and Opinions

Q&A: Egypt Labor Remain Thorn in the Side of Autocrats, Despite Lethargy
Marwa Hussein interviews Mostafa Bassiouni, journalist and researcher focused on labor movements in Egypt. 

Authorities Raid & Close `Atheists` Cafe` in Downtown Cairo
Mada Masr reports.

Egypt: Intifada of the Muslim Youth
Mustafa Salama argues, “Islam is being marginalized, leaving ordinary Egyptians with a lack of identity or direction, thus making them more vulnerable to abuse and manipulation.”

Al-Baradei Speaks About Arab Spring
Zeinobia writes on Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei’s lecture at Fletcher School, who talks about the outcomes of the Arab Spring, which mainly focused on Egypt. Click here to watch the lecture.

So Who Killed the Protesters?
Sonia Farid writes on the public and observers’ reactions to Mubarak’s acquittal.

The Morsi Leaks: Not Much of a Scandal
Khaled Dawoud analyzes the impact leaked recordings of top security officials have on the outcomes of Morsi’s trial.

Why Tunisia Succeeded Where Egypt Failed
Mark LeVine offers a comparative analysis of the economic and political issues of Egypt and Tunisia.  

US Researcher Denied Egypt Entry at Airport
United States academic and former diplomat Michele Dunn denied entry into Egypt for ‘security reasons.’ Statement by foreign ministry sighted denial of entry because she did not acquire “non-tourism visa.”

Out of the Syndicates
Jano Charbel writes, “Sequestrations on the rise as syndicates, unions attempt to push Muslim Brotherhood out.”

What Fate Awaits the Salafist Al-Nour Party?
Dina Ezzat examines the impact of the lawsuit filed against Al-Nour Party.

Friday Protests Against Mubarak Acquittal Turn Violent in Helwan
Pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters clashed with police in Cairo suburbs, Mada Masr reports.


أحمد عز يعلن ترشحه لانتخابات مجلس النواب القادم
Former member of the National Democratic Party, steel mogul, and Gamal Mubarak ally, Ahmed Ezz, announces his candidacy for the parliamentary elections.

المبادرة المصرية: الإسكان الاجتماعي بين سياسات الماضي وفرص المستقبل
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights releases a statement assessing the progress of the housing project for low-income families. This statement is translated and published in English.

أسئلة وأجوبة على تعديلات قانون الإجراءات الجنائية
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights explains the modifications applied to criminal procedures in Egypt. This piece is translated and published in English.

جدل الدستور والمرحلة الانتقالية في مصر
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies published a book analyzing reactions towards the 2012 constitution and the subsequent developments of the constitutional declaration.

قراءة في بيات مؤتمر الأزهر
Father Rafiq Juraish examines head of  Al-Azhar Ahmed Rajab’s closing statement of the first International Anti-Extremism and Terrorism Conference organized by Al-Azhar 

رهانات التعذيب الفاسدة
Abdellah al-Sinawy writes on the CIA’s outsourcing of torture to Egypt following the release of the “Torture Report.”

من يحتاج لشرطة الآداب؟
Reem Sa’ad writes on the police’s arrest of thirty men on homosexuality charges.

انطلاق فعاليات المناورة البحرية المشتركة بين مصر واليونان "أليكساندر بوليس2014"
 Egypt and Greece navies to conduct joint naval exercises on Greek territorial waters.    

هل يلاحق قانون الكيانات الإرهابيّة صباحي وأبو الفتوح
Ahmed Fouad writes, “Egypt has passed a new law defining individuals and entities to be deemed terrorist, prompting fears that many human rights activists and civil society organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood will be targeted.” This article is translated and published in English.

 أحلام ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة تصطدم بواقع الجامعات المصرية
Mai Shams El-Din writes on the hardships students with special needs face in the educational system— focusing mainly on the harsh realities of Egypt’s public universities.

قراءة في أخطر كتاب عن أوضاع جهاز الشرطة في العهد البائد العائد (2 من 2
Bilal Fadl analyzes the transformation of individual corrupt police acts to a systematic practice in Egypt.

دومًا ما تقترب النهايات كلما ارتفعت الحماقات
Ammar Nooh reflects on the state’s reaction to the security situation in Sinai and the security forces detention of rights activists by incorporating literary texts by the late Fouad Negm and others. 

ختامها مسك صباح، ١٩٢٧ - ٢٠١٤
Kinda Hassan commemorates Lebanese singer/actress Sabah.

Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt

Mohamed Abla Painting Award
Medrar TV reports on photography exhibition held at the Cairo Opera House.   

Censorship and Detention in Egypt, A Personal Account: A STATUS/الوضع Conversation between Alaa Abd El Fattah and Lina Attalah
Status Audio Journal Hosts Page releases Lina Attalah’s interview with Alaa Abd El Fattah who was imprisoned shortly after recording this interview. Click here for Bassam Haddad’s interview with Wael Gamal. Click here for Adel Iskander’s interview with Fatemah Farag.

Basim Magdy: Measuring the Last Breaths of Time on a Fading Scale
Medrar TV reports on Egyptian photographer Basim Magdy’s exhibition held in Canada.

 تأملات في الصوت الأول
Abdullah al-Bayyari analyzes the process of turning voice and tunes into written words and notes.