This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of March 2017. It also includes the most recent roundups, editors picks, and most-read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our Monthly Edition series.
- Text of Resignation Letter by ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf
- UN Report Establishes Israeli Apartheid; Fallout Begins
- Violence: Theirs and Ours
- السي آي إيه تقرأ النظرية الفرنسية: حول العمل الفكري لتقويض اليسار الثقافي
- Announcing the 2016 Middle East Political Economy Book Prize Winners
- جميلة بوحيرد
- عصر الإنسانويّة ينتهي
- Islam, Muslims, and the Trump World Order
- من يملك دولة أرامكو؟
- ملف من الأرشيف: خليل السكاكيني
- MESA Membership Passes Bylaw Amendment Removing `Non-Political` Clause and Affirming 501(c)3 Status
- Critical Readings in Political Economy: Apartheid
- `Lines Drawn on an Empty Map`: Iraq’s Borders and the Legend of the Artificial State (Part 1)
- Ussama Makdisi on The Invention of Sectarianism in the Modern Middle East
- Dark Beirut: The (In)Visibility of Electricity
- ملف من الأرشيف: محمد جمال الدين الأفغاني
- Between Slow and Sudden Death in Turkey
- كامل نص الدستور السوري الجديد الذي تسلمه بشار الأسد
- قصة نافخ الدواليب لسميرة عزام
- حول ملحمة جلجامش
- Islam, Muslims, and the Trump World Order
- New Texts Out Now: Henri Lauzière, The Making of Salafism: Islamic Reform in the Twentieth Century
- New Texts Out Now: Karine Walther, Sacred Interests: The United States and the Islamic World, 1821-1921
- Critical Currents in Islam Media Roundup (March 6 - March 19)
- Dark Beirut: The (In)Visibility of Electricity
- The World in the City and the City in the World: Reading the Janet Abu-Lughod Library
- أريحا
- Cities Media Roundup (February 2017)
- Photography Media Roundup (2 March)
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 3)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (February 27- March 5)
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 6)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 8)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 8)
- مختارات من الصحافة العربية 8 آذار
- Cities Media Roundup (February 2017)
- DARS Media Roundup (February 2017)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (March 10)
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 10)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 6-12)
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 13)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 14)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 14)
- Syria Media Roundup (March 15)
- Critical Currents in Islam Media Roundup (January 23- March 5)
- مختارات من الصحافة العربية 17 آذار
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 19)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (February 2017)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 13-19)
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 20)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 21)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 22)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (March 23)
- Critical Currents in Islam Media Roundup (March 6 - March 19)
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 26)
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 27)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 20-26)
- Syria Media Roundup (March 27)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 28)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 30)
- Cities Media Roundup (March 2017)
- Cities Media Roundup (March 2017)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 30)
- The Naksa Fifty Years Later: New Sources, Questions, and Approaches to the `67 War (Conference at Harvard)
- Political Economy Project Book Prize Competition: Call For Books Published in 2016
- The World in the City and the City in the World: Reading the Janet Abu-Lughod Library
- New Texts Out Now: Henri Lauzière, The Making of Salafism: Islamic Reform in the Twentieth Century
- الوضع العارض والمؤقت للشباب: ريادة الأعمال ليست حلاً
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 28)
- Violence: Theirs and Ours
- Syria Media Roundup (March 27)
- إسطنبول.. لجوء في انتظار اللجوء
- الأغنية الوطنية الفلسطينية: مقابلة لمجلة الوضع مع ايليني مستكلم وفارس شوملي
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 20-26)
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 27)
- Dark Beirut: The (In)Visibility of Electricity
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 26)
- قصائد للشاعر أمبرتو سابا، المجلد الاول
- Critical Currents in Islam Media Roundup (March 6 - March 19)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (March 23)
- واقع الزراعة في فلسطين: مقابلة لمجلة الوضع مع فؤاد أبو سيف
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 22)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 21)
- Joint Statement Regarding the anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim Posters on UIC’s Campus
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 20)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 13-19)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (February 2017)
- New Texts Out Now: Karine Walther, Sacred Interests: The United States and the Islamic World, 1821-1921
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 19)
- مختارات من الصحافة العربية 17 آذار
- المنظمات الأهلية الفلسطينية: مقابلة لمجلة الوضع مع طارق دعنا
- Text of Resignation Letter by ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf
- MESA Membership Passes Bylaw Amendment Removing `Non-Political` Clause and Affirming 501(c)3 Status
- UN Report Establishes Israeli Apartheid; Fallout Begins
- Between Slow and Sudden Death in Turkey
- Call for Action: Solidarity with Purged Academics for Peace in Turkey
- دورنا في صناعة الظلام
- Critical Currents in Islam Media Roundup (January 23- March 5)
- أريحا
- Syria Media Roundup (March 15)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 14)
- Media on Media Roundup (March 14)
- السي آي إيه تقرأ النظرية الفرنسية: حول العمل الفكري لتقويض اليسار الثقافي
- قصائد للشاعر الإيطالي ألِسْيو أرينا
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 13)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 6-12)
- New Texts Out Now: Alia Malek, The Home That Was Our Country: A Memoir of Syria
- Press Release: MESA Joins as Plaintiff in Lawsuit against Executive Order Travel Ban
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 10)
- الفنان لاجئا
- هل الإنتفاضات والثورات العربية مؤامرة خارجية؟
- Maghreb Media Roundup (March 10)
- Announcing the 2016 Middle East Political Economy Book Prize Winners
- DARS Media Roundup (February 2017)
- Cities Media Roundup (February 2017)
- MESA Memo on Executive Order to Restrict Entry of Individuals from Designated Middle Eastern Countries
- مختارات من الصحافة العربية 8 آذار
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 8)
- The Policing of the Palestinian Minority in Israel: An International Law Perspective
- Media on Media Roundup (March 8)
- الخامس و العشرون من آب 1983: قصة للكاتب الارجنتيني خورخِ لويس بورخِس
- تجربة النساء الفلسطينيات في السجن: مقابلة لمجلة الوضع مع رلى ابو دحو
- الطبقة الوسطى الفلسطينية: مقابلة لمجلة الوضع مع جميل هلال
- Egypt Media Roundup (March 6)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (February 27- March 5)
- New Texts Out Now: Alex Lubin and Marwan M. Kraidy, eds., American Studies Encounters the Middle East
- عصر الإنسانويّة ينتهي
- Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Interview on Trump’s Immigration Ban and U.S. Middle East Policy with Common Policy
- Islam, Muslims, and the Trump World Order
- Palestine Media Roundup (March 3)
- حول ملحمة جلجامش
- Photography Media Roundup (2 March)
- Organizations Issue Joint Solidarity Statement in Support of Pending MESA Bylaw Amendment
- Critical Readings in Political Economy: Apartheid