[This entry will be regularly updated. Last update: 6:50 pm, Monday, January 9, Egypt time]

The table below summarizes the most recent seat breakdown by party/coalition after the completion of the first round of voting in the final stage of the election. Results do not include runoff races for stage #3 (scheduled for 10-11 January), as well as races that have not been settled due to pending legal challenges or scheduled re-votes (see the table’s accompanying notes for more information). More detailed breakdown by governorate for stages #1, stage #2, and stage #3 can also be found below.

Remaining Seats: Thus far, the fate of 427 out of 498 seats in the lower house of parliament have been determined. The remaining 71 seats include:

  • 45 seats that will be determined through runoff races from stage #3, which are scheduled to be convened on 10-11 January. These races will feature ninety candidates: 32 from the Freedom and Justice Party; 23 from Al-Nour; 2 from the Egyptian Bloc; 1 from Al-Adl; 1 from Al-Wafd; and 31 unaffiliated candidates.
  • 14 other seats will be determined through two party-list races, which have been scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January, namely Aswan district #1 (4 seats) and Cairo district #1 (10 seats).
  • 12 seats will be determined through re-votes in six individual-candidacy districts (2 seats each), which have been scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January, with possible runoffs on January 17-18: Cairo district #1; Alexandria`s district #3; Assiut districts #2 and #3; Sharqiya districts #2 and #5.


Background: On 3 and 4 January, Egyptians completed voting in nine governorates. The vote is part of the last of three stages of elections for the People’s Assembly, the parliament’s lower house. Each voting stage involves polling in nine governorates (out of total 27 governorates). According to Egypt’s elections law, two-thirds of the parliamentary seats will be allocated through party list races, while one-third of the seats are allocated through concurrent single-winner races. After each initial vote, run-off elections are held a week later between front-runners in single-winner races where none of the candidates got 50%+ of the total vote. Run-offs for stage #3 are scheduled on 10 and 11 January. The total number of seats up for grabs in stage #3 voting is 150 seats (100 party-list races and 50 individual-candidacy seats). 


Click on "Stage #2", "Stage #3" or any governorate below to skip to results:

Stage #3: Daqahliyya, Gharbiya, Minya, Qalioubiya, Qena, Marsa Matruh, New Valley, North Sinai, South Sinai

Stage #2: Giza, Beni Suef, Menoufia, Sharqiya, Ismailia, Suez, Beheira, SohagAswan

Click here to view stage #1 results


 Useful links:

Click here to learn more about the election rules and dates.

Click here for more background on participating parties and coalitions.

 Confused about how seat winners are determined? Please click here. 

Click here for a breakdown of the nationwide vote.

Estimated Seat Breakdown (as of 9 January 2012)

Party/Coalition Total Seats %Seats St. #1 List* St. #1 IC** St. #1 Total St. #2 List*** St. #2 IC**** St. #2 Total St. #3 List St. #3 IC***** St. #3 Total
Freedom and Justice^ 193 45.20 40 33 73 43 36 79 37 4 41
Al-Nour^^ 108 25.29 26 4 30 35 13 48 29 1 30
Al-Wafd 38 8.90 10 1 11 14 0 14 13 0 13
Egyptian Bloc^^^ 30 7.03 13 2 15 9 0 9 6 0 6
11 2.58 2 0 2 4 1 5 4 0 4
Revolution Continues 10 2.34 4 2 6 1 0 1 3 0 3
Al-Wasat 8 1.87 4 0 4 3 0 3 1 0 1
National Party of Egypt 6 1.41 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 0 2
Freedom 4 0.94 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 3
Egyptian Citizen 4 0.94 1 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 0
Al-Adl 2 0.47 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
Union 2 0.47 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
New Indepnedents 1 0.23 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Arab Egyptian Union 1 0.23 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Nasserist 1 0.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Independents 8 1.87 - 3 3 - 5 5 - 0 0
Total 427 100 102 48 150 116 56 172 100 5 105


*Includes all but Cairo`s party-list district #1 (Al-Sahel voters are scheduled to re-vote on 10-11 January 2012 due to a court ruling annulling the initial results).



**Includes all but two races in Cairo’s district #1, two races in Alexandria`s district #3, two races in Assiut district #2 and two races in Assiut`s district #3 (scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January 2012 due to a court ruling annulling the initial results). "IC" stands for individual-candidacy races.


***Does not include Aswan party-list race, which is scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January 2012 due to a court ruling annulling the initial results.


****Does not include Sharqiya`s districts #5 and #2, which are scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January 2012 due to a court ruling annulling the initial results. "IC" stands for individual-candidacy races.

*****Does not include forty-five seats that will be determined through stage #3 runoff races scheduled for 10-11 January.


Freedom and Justice candidate rosters include candidates from the parties of the "Democratic Alliance for Egypt". Stage #1 individual candidacy race winners include FJP allied candidates Mohamed Al-Khodeiri, Hosni Dowidar, and Khaled Megahed. Stage #2 individual candidacy race winners include Mohamed Al-Sawy.



^^Al-Nour`s candidate rosters include candidates from the parties of the "Islamist Bloc".

^^^Includes one seat gained through the Egyptian Social Democratic Party list in Qena party-list district #2, where Egyptian Bloc coalition members Free Egyptians Party and Egyptian Social Democratic Party competed through two seperate party lists.

A note on seat distribution for party-list races: The seat distribution for party-list races displayed in the tables below is not part of the official results released by the Higher Elections Commission. The editors computed the results using a largest remainder "hare" quota, though it should be noted that some observers believe that the exact method that Egyptian authorities will use to determine seat allocation in party-list races has not been thoroughly explained. Also the seat distribution below assumes that all parties will cross the legally-mandated threshold of 0.5 percent of the nationwide vote


Stage #3 Results



Daqahliyya (36 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (8); District #3 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-6 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 259,004 30.43 3
Al-Nour 229,084 26.91 2
Revolution Continues 103,888 12.20 1
Al-Wafd 97,454 11.45 1
National of Egypt 40,286 4.73 1
Egyptian Bloc 22,325 2.62 0
Democratic Peace 15,818 1.86 0
Freedom 14,594 1.71 0
Egyptian Citizen 13,283 1.56 0
Al-Wasat 12,935 1.52 0
RDP 10,579 1.24 0
Union 9,260 1.09 0
Nasserist 8,366 0.98 0
New Independents 8,051 0.95 0
Modern Egypt 6,318 0.74 0
Total 851,245 100.00 8



District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 241,350 38.72 3
Al-Nour 180,795 29.01 3
Al-Wafd 73,580 11.80 1
Revolution Continues 54,662 8.77 1
Union 17,384 2.79 0
Egyptian Bloc 13,062 2.10 0
RDP 12,638 2.03 0
Egyptian Citizen 10,641 1.71 0
Al-Wasat 8,598 1.38 0
Modern Egypt 5,933 0.95 0
Democratic Peace 4,660 0.75 0
Total 623,303 100 8



District #3 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 252,828 32.22 3
Al-Nour 219,348 27.95 2
Revolution Continues 69,313 8.83 1
Al-Wafd 68,521 8.73 1
National of Egypt 26,464 3.37 1
New Independents 23,799 3.03 0
Democratic Peace 22,504 2.87 0
Union 21,535 2.74 0
Egyptian Bloc 20,258 2.58 0
Egyptian Citizen 18,979 2.42 0
Al-Wasat 18,735 2.39 0
Al-Adl 9,160 1.17 0
RDP 9,134 1.16 0
Modern Egypt 4,194 0.53 0
Total 784,772 100 8



District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Results annulled in response to a court order.


Yousry Hany (FJP) won the professional seat, whereas Tarek Qutb (FJP) and Waheed Fouda (independent) are leading the vote-count for the worker/farmer seat, according to Youm7. (3:58 pm, Jan 8)     



District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Saad Al-Halougy (FJP) won the professional seat, and Ali Qatamesh (Al-Nour) won the worker/farmer seat.


Ali Qatamesh (Al-Nour) and Hassan Gomaa (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Saad Al-Halougy (FJP) and Mohamed Ismail (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Ahram Online. (5:41 pm, Jan 6).





District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Emad Shams (FJP) won the professional seat, and Abd Al-Hamid Eissa (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Emad Shams (FJP) will enter into a runoff with Ahmed Ismail Shoukry (Al-Adl) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Abd Al-Hamid Eissa (FJP) and Soleiman Hamed Soleiman (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Youm7. (3:58 pm, Jan 8)   






District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Ibrahim Abu-Auf (FJP) won the professional seat and Khalid Kamel Al-Haddad (independent/FJP-endorsed) won the worker/farmer seat.


Ibrahim Abu-Auf (FJP) will enter into a runoff with Al-Doudi Mohamed Mohamed Mehleb (independent) for the professional seat, whereas Mohamed Nabih Hassaneen (independent) and Khalid Kamel Al-Haddad (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Ahram Online. (5:41 pm, Jan 6).







District #5 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Khaled Al-Deeb (FJP) won the professional seat, and Taher Al-Ghafeer (independent) won the worker/farmer seat.


Khaled Al-Deeb (FJP) and Mortada Mansour (independent/formerly NDP allied) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Al-Sayed Mansour (FJP, Labor Party) and Taher Al-Ghafeer (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (6:20 pm, Jan 5)






District #6 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Al-Sayed Al-Adawy (FJP) won the professional seat, and Osama Abdel Aaty (independent/former NDP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Al-Sayed Al-Adawy (FJP/P), Abdel Qadir Ibrahim Abdel Rahman (Al-Nour/F), Ramadan Al-Imam (FJP/W), and Osama Abdel Aaty (independent/former NDP/F) will enter into a runoff for the district`s two seats, according to Youm7. (3:58 pm, Jan 8)   










Gharbiya (30 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (10); District #2 (10)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-5 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 265,216 29.73 3
FJP 255,704 28.67 3
Al-Wafd 122,966 13.79 2
Egyptian Bloc 65,967 7.40 1
RDP 40,666 4.56 1
Freedom 32,611 3.66 0
Revolution Continues 29,009 3.25 0
Al-Adl 20,797 2.33 0
Conservatives 18,713 2.10 0
Al-Wasat 17,187 1.93 0
Democratic Peace 12,869 1.44 0
Egypt`s Voice 7,591 0.85 0
Modern Egypt 2,663 0.30 0
Total 891,959 100 10

District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 371,730 37.59 4
Al-Nour 285,781 28.90 3
Al-Wafd 171,392 17.33 2
Egyptian Bloc 46,339 4.69 1
Conservatives 43,888 4.44 0
Al-Wasat 21,813 2.21 0
Al-Adl 19,531 1.98 0
Democratic Peace 11,878 1.20 0
Freedom 10,484 1.06 0
Egyptian Citizen 5,984 0.61 0
Total 988,820 100 10


District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Mohamed Al-Fiqi (Al-Wafd) won the professional seat.

(Al-Sayed Askar (FJP) had won the worker/farmer seat in the first round).


Al-Sayed Askar (FJP) has won the worker/farmer seat, whereas Medhat Meshaal (Al-Nour) and Mohamed Al-Fiqi (Al-Wafd) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, according to Youm7. (3:48 am, Jan 8)




District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Aly Abdel Fattah Negm (Al-Nour) won the professional seat, and Mahmoud Mohdeda (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


According to Al-Masry Al-Youm, Alam Al-Deen Al-Sekhawy (FJP) and Aly Abdel Fattah Negm (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, whereas Salah Al-Hasawy (independent/former NDP) and Mahmoud Mohdeda (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm.  (3:51 pm, Jan 6)






District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Hamdy Al-Fakharani (independent) won the professional seat, and Mohamed Tawfiq (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Hamdy Al-Fakharani (independent) and Abdel-Haleem Helal (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Mohamed Tawfiq (FJP) and Neemat Qamar (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:41 am, Jan 7)    





District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Sameh Abdel Hamid Shawqi Amer (FJP) won the professional seat, and Yehia Al-Misiri (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Sameh Abdel Hamid Shawqi Amer (FJP) and Abdel Mohsen Kamel Abul Kheir (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Yehia Al-Misiri (FJP) and Hamed Galal Gahga (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (3:50 pm, Jan 5)    





District #5 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Ibrahim Zakariya Younis (FJP) won the professional seat, and Gamal Shehata (independent) won the worker/farmer seat.


Ibrahim Zakariya Younis (FJP) and Abdallah Shaheen (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Ahmed Al-Alfy (Al-Nour) and Gamal Shehata (independent) wil enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm.  (3:51 pm, Jan 6)








Minya (24 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-4 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 362,318 46.29 4
Al-Nour 174,146 22.25 2
Freedom 100,748 12.87 1
Al-Wasat 49,898 6.38 1
Egyptian Bloc 44,392 5.67 0
Al-Wafd 29,787 3.81 0
Revolution Continues 7,563 0.97 0
Democratic Peace 5,163 0.66 0
RDP 5,147 0.66 0
Free Social Constitutional 3,545 0.45 0
Total 782,707 100 8


District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 243,346 35.77 3
Al-Nour 191,074 28.09 2
Egyptian Bloc 133,246 19.59 2
Al-Wafd 45,435 6.68 1
Al-Wasat 27,943 4.11 0
RDP 20,864 3.07 0
Freedom 11,110 1.63 0
Nasserist 7,217 1.06 0
Total 680,235 100 8



District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Aly Omran (FJP) won the professional seat and Gomaa Yousef Kafafy (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Aly Omran (FJP) and Aly Abdel Hamid Abdel Gawad (independent) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Gomaa Yousef Kafafy (FJP) and Ahmed Abdel Ghani Al-Qishiri (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:25 am, Jan 7)


District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Mohamed Al-Basel (FJP) won the professional seat, and Hamdy Khalifa Abdel-Naby (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Mohamed Al-Basel (FJP/P), Alaa Eddin Abdel Fattah (Al-Nour/F), Hegazy Mohamed Haroun (Al-Nour//W) and Hamdy Khalifa Abdel-Naby (FJP/W) will enter into a runoff for the district`s two seats, according to Al-Wafd. (3:25 am, Jan 7)






District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Mosharraf Ahmad Mohamed (Al-Nour) won the professional seat, and Ahmad Hassan Sayed (Al-Nour) won the worker/farmer seat.


Mosharraf Ahmad Mohamed (Al-Nour) and Khaled Amr Ismail (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Ahmad Hassan Sayed (Al-Nour) and Emil Habib (Egyptian Bloc) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:25 am, Jan 7)






District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Medhat Abdel Gabber (Al-Nour) won the professional seat, and Ahmed Yousef Touny (Al-Nour/Building & Development) won the worker/farmer seat.


Medhat Abdel Gabber (Al-Nour) and Ahmed Farghally Mohamed Mounir (independent) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Ahmed Yousef Touny (Al-Nour) and Riyad Abdel Sattar (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:25 am, Jan 7)







Qalioubiya (18 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-3 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 188,641 35.67 2
Al-Nour 123,497 23.35 1
Al-Wafd 57,972 10.96 1
Al-Wasat 32,828 6.21 0
Egyptian Bloc 26,315 4.98 0
National of Egypt 22,680 4.29 0
Revolution Continues 15,898 3.01 0
Freedom 12,833 2.43 0
Democratic Peace 10,968 2.07 0
New Independents 9,928 1.88 0
RDP 8,709 1.65 0
Al-Ghad 7,331 1.39 0
Conservatives 5,711 1.08 0
Egyptian Revolution 5,610 1.06 0
Total 528,921 100 4


District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 461,383 38.26 3
Al-Nour 355,908 29.52 2
Egyptian Bloc 88,221 7.32 1
Al-Wafd 78,915 6.54 1
RDP 55,416 4.60 1
National of Egypt 41,000 3.40 0
Freedom 40,245 3.34 0
Al-Wasat 26,020 2.16 0
Arab Egyptian Union 18,679 1.55 0
Revolution Continues 18,281 1.52 0
Nasserist 13,855 1.15 0
Egyptian Justice & Develop 7,930 0.66 0
Total 1,205,853 100 8




District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Results annulled in response to a court order.

Mohsen Rady (FJP/P), Hany Gad Faheem Gad (FJP/F), Aly Wanees (Al-Nour/F) and Ramy Magdy Berbish (independent/F) will enter into a runoff for the district`s two seats, according to Youm7. (3:48 am, Jan 8



District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)


Nasr Al-Hafi (FJP) won the professional seat and Gamal Shehata (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (3:47 pm, Jan 5


District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Ahmed Diab (FJP) won the professional seat, and Sayyed Al-Qadi (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Ahmed Diab (FJP) will enter into a runoff with Ashraf Al-Labban (Al-Nour) for the professional seat, whereas Sayyed Al-Qadi (FJP) will enter into a runoff with either Hussein Al-Ashmawy (independent/former NDP), according to Youm7. (3:48 am, Jan 8)    




Qena (18 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-3 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 114,822 32.62 1
Al-Nour 77,006 21.88 1
Freedom 35,547 10.10 1
Al-Wafd 31,351 8.91 1
RDP 20,847 5.92 0
Arab Egyptian Union 12,963 3.68 0
Union 11,817 3.36 0
Free Socialists 10,450 2.97 0
Revolution Continues 10,022 2.85 0
Al-Adl 8,587 2.44 0
Al-Wasat 8,460 2.40 0
Democratic Front 3,244 0.92 0
Egyptian Revolution 2,500 0.71 0
Al-Ghad 2,446 0.69 0
Social Peace 1,941 0.55 0
Total 352,003 100 4


District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 87,911 26.03 2
Al-Nour 64,693 19.16 2
Freedom 39,608 11.73 1
Egyptian Social Democratic 22,379 6.63 1
Al-Wafd 20,223 5.99 1
Union 17,868 5.29 1
Free Egyptians 13,831 4.10 0
Democratic Peace 13,540 4.01 0
RDP 12,274 3.63 0
Al-Wasat 11,631 3.44 0
Egyptian Citizen 11,230 3.33 0
Arab Egyptian Union 7,931 2.35 0
Social Peace 5,520 1.63 0
Guardians of the Revolution 4,773 1.41 0
Al-Adl 4,316 1.28 0
Total 337,728 100 8



District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Ahmed Al-Sayed Al-Sagheer (FJP) won the professional seat, and Adel Mohamed Ebeid (endorsed by Islamic Group, which is allied with Al-Nour) won the worker/farmer seat.


Ahmed Al-Sayed Al-Sagheer (FJP) and Abdel Aaty Abu-Zeid (independent) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Adel Mohamed Ebeid (endorsed by Islamic Group, which is allied with Al-Nour) and Hamdy Mohamed Hassan (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (6:23 pm, Jan 5)





District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Mohamed Younes (independent) won the professional seat, and Hisham Hanafi Al-Qadi (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


Hisham Hanafi Al-Qadi (FJP) and Sabry Yousef Dawood (independent/former NDP) will enter a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, whereas Essam Mohamed Aly (Al-Nour) and Mohamed Younes (independent) will faceoff for the professional seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (4:07 pm, Jan 5)






District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Results annulled in response to a court order.


Abdel Reheem Al-Ghul (independent/former NDP) and Fathy Qandil (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, whereas Khaled Khalafallah (independent/former NDP) and Ahmed Al-Dabee (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, according to Al-Ahram (3:40 pm, Jan 6)





Marsa Matruh (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)] 

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 76,511 67.79 3
FJP 16,314 14.46 1
Al-Wafd 7,655 6.78 0
Al-Wasat 3,873 3.43 0
Freedom 2,755 2.44 0
Egyptian Bloc 1,977 1.75 0
RDP 1,210 1.07 0
Al-Ghad 895 0.79 0
Arab Egyptian Union 656 0.58 0
Democratic Front 457 0.40 0
Al-Adl 375 0.33 0
Arab for Justice & Equality 182 0.16 0
Total 112,860 100 4

District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Mansour Qawiyya Anoun (Al-Nour) won the worker farmer seat.

(Othman Al-Qataani (Al-Nour) had won the professional seat in the first round).


Othman Al-Qataani (Al-Nour) won the professional seat, whereas Mansour Qawiyya Anoun (Al-Nour) and Rezqallah Galy Nasrallah Nouh (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer race, according to Youm7. (4:09 am, Jan 8)


New Valley (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)] 

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 34,376 39.87 2
FJP 22,792 26.43 1
Nasserist 6,634 7.69 1
Egyptian Bloc 6,445 7.47 0
Freedom 4,994 5.79 0
Al-Wafd 3,449 4.00 0
Arab for Justice & Equality 3,087 3.58 0
Democratic Peace 2,253 2.61 0
RDP 859 1.00 0
Al-Wasat 746 0.87 0
Arab Egyptian Union 590 0.68 0
Total 86,225 100 4


District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Mohamed Abdel Meguid (FJP) won the professional seat, and Alaa Abdel Latif (Al-Nour) won the worker/farmer seat.


Mohamed Abdel Meguid (FJP) and Sayed Al-Yamani (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Alaa Abdel Latif (Al-Nour) and Abd Moneim Ismail (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (4:15 pm, Jan 6)







North Sinai (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)] 

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 39,315 35.35 2
Al-Nour 29,623 26.63 1
RDP 10,420 9.37 1
Al-Wasat 7,913 7.11 0
Al-Wafd 6,389 5.74 0
Freedom 5,877 5.28 0
Arab for Justice & Equality 3,265 2.94 0
National of Egypt 2,787 2.51 0
Conservatives 2,585 2.32 0
Egyptian Bloc 1,828 1.64 0
Egyptian Citizen 574 0.52 0
Union 368 0.33 0
Democratic People 277 0.25 0
Total 111,221 100 4




District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Results annulled in response to a court order.


Abdel Rahman Al-Shorbagy (FJP/P), Aly Salman (independent/FJP-endorsed/W), Aly Yahya Al-Ghul (independent/F) is leading Mohamed Sayed Al-Kashef (independent/W), according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (4:20 pm, Jan 6).






South Sinai (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)]

District #1 (list)—final (unofficial)

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 14,334 42.53 2
Al-Wafd 5,614 16.66 1
RDP 5,545 16.45 1
Egyptian Bloc 3,766 11.17 0
Freedom 2,047 6.07 0
Union 912 2.71 0
Al-Wasat 840 2.49 0
Modern Egypt 331 0.98 0
Arab for Justice & Equality 312 0.93 0
Total 33,701 100 4



District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF RESULTS: Results annulled in response to a court order.


Mohamed Farrag (Al-Nour) and Abdo Abdel Razeq (Independent) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat. Ghareeb Hassan (independent) and Farag Breeq (Egyptian Bloc) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer race, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (4:22 pm, Jan 5)




Stage #2 Results 

Giza (30 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (10); District #2 (10)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-5 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 571,262 41.09 4
Al-Nour 404,549 29.10 3
Egyptian Bloc 146,217 10.52 1
Al-Wafd 108,398 7.80 1
Al-Wasat 79,930 5.75 1
Reform and Development 29,312 2.11 0
Conservatives 20,629 1.48 0
Al-Ghad 15,641 1.12 0
Freedom 14,391 1.04 0
Total 1,390,329 100.00 10


District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 546,974 37.83 4
Al-Nour 406,543 28.12 3
Egyptian Bloc 145,346 10.05 1
Al-Wasat 87,368 6.04 1
Al-Wafd 66,528 4.60 1
National Party of Egypt 41,771 2.89 0
Revolution Continues 40,077 2.77 0
Democratic Peace 34,249 2.37 0
Freedom 25,875 1.79 0
Egypt Revolution 21,581 1.49 0
Reform and Development 13,938 0.96 0
Egyptian Revolution 11,166 0.77 0
Conservatives 4,283 0.30 0
Total 1,445,699 100.00 10


District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Khattab Sayed Khattab (FJP) & Mohamed Ibrahim (FJP)


Mohamed Ibrahim (FJP) and Mohamed Eid Abu-Karim (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Khattab Sayed Khattab (FJP) and Hamdy Haroun (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff race for the worker/farmer seat, according to Tahrir News. (7:56 pm, Dec16



District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Gamal Al-Ashry (FJP) & Hassan Al-Bareeq (FJP)


Tahrir News reports that Gamal Al-Ashry of the FJP and Mohamed Fouad (Egyptian Bloc) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat. Sahfiq Al-Gendy (Al-Nour) and Hassan Al-Bareeq (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat. (3:29 am, Dec18)







District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Amr Al-Shoubki (Al-Adl) & Ayman Sadeq (FJP)


Amr Al-Shoubki (Al-Adl) and Amr Darrag (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Ayman Sadeq (FJP) and Essam Bahy Eddin (independent/Egyptian Bloc-endorsed) will enter into a runoff for the the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (2:02 am, Dec 18)






District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mohamed Al-Sawy (FJP/Democratic Alliance for Egypt-endorsed) & Abdel Salam Bashandi (FJP)


Abdel Salam Bashandi (FJP) and Ismail Al-Edami (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer race, according to Ahram Online. Mohamed Al-Sawy, former minister of culture and the founder of Al-Hadara Party (a member of the FJP-led Democratic Alliance for Egypt)  will enter into a runoff with Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed (Al-Nour) for the professional seat. Candidates who were eliminated in the first round include Islam Lotfy of the Egyptian Current Party (a member of the Revolution Continues Alliance) and a member of the Revolution’s Youth Coalition.  (3:38 pm, Dec 18






District #5 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mahmoud Mohamed Amer (FJP) & Mostafa Gaafar Soliman (independent/former NDP)


Mahmoud Mohamed Amer (FJP) will enter into a runoff with Emad Abdel-Naby (Al-Nour) for the professional seat. Mostafa Gaafar Soliman (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff with Yousef Abdel Naby (Egyptian Bloc-endorsed) for the worker/farmer seat, according to A-Masry Al-Youm. (2:08 am, Dec 18) Khaled Al-Telemma (Revolution Continues Alliance) was eliminated in the first round.









Beni Suef  (18 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-3 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 233,938 39.47 3
Al-Nour 207,468 35.00 3
Al-Wafd 67,714 11.42 1
Revolution Continues 19,420 3.28 1
Al-Wasat 18,247 3.08 0
Al-Adl 17,370 2.93 0
Conservatives 16,096 2.72 0
Nation 7,352 1.24 0
Reform and Development 5,166 0.87 0
Total 592,771 100.00 8


District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 135,073 43.17 2
Al-Nour 100,168 32.02 1
Egyptian Bloc 31,059 9.93 1
Al-Wafd 23,599 7.54 0
Conservatives 12,958 4.14 0
Democratic Peace 6,308 2.02 0
Reform and Development 3,693 1.18 0
Total 312,858 100.00 4


District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial) 


RUNOFF WINNERS: Gaber Mansour (FJP) & Nagm Al-Din Fadel (Al-Nour)


Unofficial final vote-count indicates that Gaber Mansour (FJP) and Amer Bassel (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff race for the professional seat, whereas Younis Sarhan (FJP) and Nagm Al-Din Fadel (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (1:10 pm, Dec 16)


District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mohamed Shaker (FJP) & Abdel Hakim Masoud (Al-Nour)


Unofficial final vote-count indicates that Mohamed Shaker (FJP) and Abdel Aziz Mohamadeen (independent) will enter into a runoff race for the professional seat, while Abdel Hakim Masoud (Al-Nour) and Abdel Azeem Abu-Gomaa (FJP) will faceoff next week in the worker/farmer seat runoff, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (1:10 pm, Dec 16)  



District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Abdel Qader Abdel Wahhab (FJP) & Nihad Al-Qasem (FJP)


Unofficial final vote-count indicates that Nihad Al-Qasem (FJP) and Mohamed Rabie Abdel Hadi (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Abdel Qader Abdel Wahhab (FJP) and Ahmad Mokhtar (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (1:10 pm, Dec 16









Menoufia (24 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-4 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 210,357 34.00 3
Al-Nour 138,121 22.33 2
Al-Wafd 68,987 11.15 1
National Party of Egypt 52,833 8.54 1
Reform and Development 45,006 7.28 1
Egyptian Bloc 37,973 6.14 0
Al-Wasat 30,434 4.92 0
Al-Ghad 18,108 2.93 0
Conservatives 9,855 1.59 0
Freedom 4,299 0.69 0
Democratic Peace 2,648 0.43 0
Total 618,621 100 8

District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 269,038 39.18 3
Al-Wafd 174,463 25.41 2
Al-Nour 109,600 15.96 1
Reform and Development 40,155 5.85 1
National Party of Egypt 39,915 5.81 1
Democratic Peace 17,416 2.54 0
Al-Wasat 17,287 2.52 0
Revolution Continues 11,280 1.64 0
Conservatives 7,433 1.08 0
Total 686,587 100.00 8





District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Helmy Bakr (FJP) & Saad Hussein (FJP)


According to Al-Masry Al-Youm, Saad Hussein (FJP) and Qadry Gaafar (Egyptian Bloc/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat. Osama Abdel Monsef (Al-Nour) and Helmy Bakr (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat (7:33 pm, Dec16)







District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Said Al-Azab (FJP) & Mohamed Anwar Al-Sadat (Reform and Development) (won seat in first round)


Tahrir News reports that Mohamed Anwar Al-Sadat (Reform and Development) has won the professional seat, beating Ismail Aly (FJP). Said Al-Azab (FJP) and Mahmoud Qabil (Al-Nour) will likely enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat. (9:34 pm, Dec16






District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Nasir Tahoun (FJP) & Mahmoud Abul Magd (FJP)


According to unofficial final vote-count Nasir Tahoun (FJP) and Mohamed Abdel Sattar (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Mohamed Al-Keshen (independent/former NDP) and Mahmoud Abul Magd (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm (2:35 am, Dec17)




District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Anwar Al-Belkeni (Al-Nour) & Ibrahim Haggag (FJP)


Unofficial final vote-count indicates that Ibrahim Haggag (FJP) and Ibrahim Kamel (Al-Wafd) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat. Anwar Al-Belkeni (Al-Nour) and Ayman Moaz (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm . (1:20 am, Dec17)












Sharqiya (30 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (10); District #2 (10)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-5 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 432,693 37.99 4
Al-Nour 302,376 26.55 3
Al-Wafd 119,904 10.53 1
Egyptian Bloc 76,067 6.68 1
Al-Wasat 25,430 2.23 1
Nasserist 24,882 2.18 0
Revolution Continues 22,948 2.01 0
New Independents 20,483 1.80 0
Arab Party for Justice and Equality 16,685 1.46 0
Conservatives 14,991 1.32 0
Egyptian Party for Justice 13,160 1.16 0
Reform and Development 13,160 1.16 0
Freedom 9,396 0.82 0
Arab Egyptian Union 9,103 0.80 0
Democratic Peace 8,929 0.78 0
Al-Adl 7,868 0.69 0
Egyptian Citizen 7,840 0.69 0
Al-Ghad 5,687 0.50 0
Modern Egypt 4,201 0.37 0
Free Social Constitutional Party 3,121 0.27 0
Total 1,138,924 100.00 10


District #2 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 425,680 35.54 4
Al-Nour 249,119 20.80 2
Al-Wafd 167,101 13.95 2
Arab Egyptian Union 58,107 4.85 1
New Independents 46,753 3.90 1
Egyptian Bloc 45,680 3.81 0
Egyptian Citizen 40,328 3.37 0
Al-Wasat 36,045 3.01 0
Nasserist 26,792 2.24 0
Democratic Peace 17,284 1.44 0
National Party of Egypt 15,954 1.33 0
Al-Ghad 11,993 1.00 0
Reform and Development 11,069 0.92 0
Revolution Continues 10,803 0.90 0
Egyptian Tahrir 9,496 0.79 0
Conservatives 8,696 0.73 0
Modern Egypt 7,030 0.59 0
Al-Adl 6,066 0.51 0
Egyptian Revolution 3,879 0.32 0
Total 1,197,875 100.00 10

District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Sayed Nageeda (FJP) & Saleh Aly (FJP)


According to Tahrir News, Sayed Nageeda (FJP) and Ahmad Talal Mohamed Mukhtar (Egyptian Bloc-sponored) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat.  Saleh Aly (FJP) and Awadallah Al-Moselmy (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat (2:43 am, Dec 17)  





District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)


UPDATE: Results under pending legal challenge





District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mohamed Fayad (FJP) & Ibrahim Saleem (FJP)


Former Minister of Social Solidarity Aly Meselhy (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff with Mohamed Fayad (FJP) for the professional seat, while Ibrahim Saleem (FJP) and Aly Gouda Keshk (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Tahrir News. (4:06 am, Dec 17


District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)


RUNOFF WINNERS: Safwat Saweilem (FJP) & Mohamed Awad Shawish (FJP)


Safwat Saweilem (FJP) and Sayed Abdel Salam (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Mohamed Awad Shawish (FJP) and Essam Mohamed Al-Sayed will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Tahrir News. (4:00 am, Dec 17



District #5 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

Scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January 2012 due to a court ruling annulling the initial results








Ismailia (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)]

District #1 (list)—final

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 183,859 38.19 2
Al-Nour 132,992 27.63 1
Al-Wafd 35,637 7.40 1
Egyptian Bloc 31,998 6.65 0
Al-Wai 17,226 3.58 0
New Independents 15,964 3.32 0
Arab Party for Justice and Equality 13,327 2.77 0
Al-Wasat 10,138 2.11 0
National Party of Egypt 7,244 1.50 0
Arab Egyptian Union 7,094 1.47 0
Revolution Continues 5,873 1.22 0
Egyptian Revolution 5,590 1.16 0
Conservatives 4,632 0.96 0
Freedom 3,979 0.83 0
Reform and Development 2,264 0.47 0
Democratic Front 2,204 0.46 0
Modern Egypt 1,363 0.28 0
Total 481,384 100.00 4

District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)


RUNOFF WINNERS: Hisham Al-Souly (FJP) & Mohamed Al-Hawary (Al-Nour)


Hisham Al-Souly (FJP) and Mohamed Ghannam Ahmad (independent) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Mohamed Al-Hawary (Al-Nour) and Issa Zeen Al-Abadeen (independent/sponsored by former NDP figures) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm  (1:38 am, Dec18)







 Suez (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)]

District #1 (list)--final

List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 127,836 45.55 2
FJP 75,316 26.84 1
Egyptian Bloc 23,488 8.37 1
Al-Wasat 14,396 5.13 0
Al-Wafd 12,983 4.63 0
National Party of Egypt 11,945 4.26 0
Freedom 3,271 1.17 0
Al-Adl 2,942 1.05 0
Reform and Development 2,891 1.03 0
Nasserist 2,520 0.90 0
Conservatives 1,692 0.60 0
Democratic Front 1,381 0.49 0
Total 280,661 100.00 4



District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Hani Nour Al-Din (Al-Nour) & Abbas Abdel Aziz (FJP)


Tahrir News reports that Mohamed Adel (Building and Development) and Abbas Abdel Aziz (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while, Abdel Hamid Kamal (Al-Tagammu) and Hani Nour Al-Din (Al-Nour) will go into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat. (4:53 pm, Dec 16)







Beheira (30 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (12); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-5 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final


List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 534,913 40.01 5
FJP 477,121 35.69 4
Al-Wafd 117,417 8.78 1
Egyptian Bloc 58,586 4.38 1
Egyptian Citizen 42,879 3.21 1
Revolution Continues 29,023 2.17 0
Egypt Revolution 18,445 1.38 0
Conservatives 13,383 1.00 0
Democratic Peace 13,054 0.98 0
Freedom 9,508 0.71 0
Reform and Development 8,445 0.63 0
Al-Adl 7,829 0.59 0
Egyptian Revolution 6,274 0.47 0
Total 1,336,877 100.00 12



District #2 (list)—pending

List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 208,743 36.47 3
FJP 198,394 34.66 3
Al-Wafd 48,726 8.51 1
Union 23,110 4.04 1
Egyptian Citizen 18,051 3.15 0
Reform and Development 17,757 3.10 0
Egypt Revolution 13,281 2.32 0
Egyptian Bloc 11,926 2.08 0
Al-Wasat 11,172 1.95 0
Democratic Peace 9,005 1.57 0
Revolution Continues 7,451 1.30 0
Conservatives 4,820 0.84 0
Total 572,436 100 8

District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Osama Soliman (FJP) & Tarek Saleh (FJP)


Unofficial final voe-count shows that Osama Soliman (FJP) and Ibrahim Ghallab (Al-Nour) wil enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Tarek Saleh (FJP) and Mohamed Al-Rikabi (Al-Nour-sponsored) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (10:34 pm, Dec 16




District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mahmoud Heeba (Al-Nour) & Yaser Abdel Rafe (FJP)


Unofficial final vote-count indicates that Mahmoud Abdel Gawwad (FJP) and Mahmoud Heeba (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff race for the professional seat, while Yaser Abdel Rafe (FJP) and Sherif Al-Halawany (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer race, according to Masrawy. (3:31 am, Dec 17





District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Ahmad Zoheer (FJP) & Masry Abu-Keshek (FJP)


Unofficial final vote-count shows that Masry Abu-Keshek (FJP) and Bashir Abul Kheir (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, while Kamel Al-Deeb (Al-Nour) and Ahmad Zoheer (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:25 am, Dec 17)






District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Abdallah Saad (Al-Nour) & Hamed Al-Tahhan (Al-Nour)


Abdel Hamid Shukr (FJP) and Hamed Al-Tahhan (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, while Abdallah Saad (Al-Nour) and Adel Makram (FJP) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:25 am, Dec 17






District #5 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Saad Abu Taleb (FJP) & Ahmad Khater (FJP)


Unofficial final vote-count indicates that Saad Abu Taleb (FJP) and Abdel Salam Ottman (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Ahmad Khater (FJP) and Marwan Khalil (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (10:34 pm, Dec 16








Sohag (30 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (12); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-5 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)—final


List Votes %Votes Seats
Al-Nour 229,829 29.33 4
FJP 222,672 28.42 4
Egyptian Bloc 125,083 15.96 2
Al-Wafd 36,448 4.65 1
Reform and Development 22,248 2.84 1
Al-Wasat 21,785 2.78 0
Egyptian Citizen 20,323 2.59 0
Democratic Front 20,016 2.55 0
Nasserist 19,336 2.47 0
Freedom 11,796 1.51 0
Conservatives 10,236 1.31 0
Revolution Continues 9,660 1.23 0
Arab Party for Justice and Equality 8,946 1.14 0
Social Peace 8,756 1.12 0
Democratic Peace 8,314 1.06 0
Al-Ghad 4,513 0.58 0
Egyptian Tahrir 3,574 0.46 0
Total 783,535 100.00 12



District #2 (list)—pending

List Votes %Votes Seats
FJP 76,121 22.70 2
Al-Nour 64,173 8.19 2
Egyptian Bloc 51,661 6.59 1
Al-Wafd 29,339 3.74 1
Egyptian Citizen 21,893 2.79 1
Reform and Development 16,609 2.12 1
Al-Wasat 16,143 2.06 0
Union 14,963 1.91 0
Freedom 14,650 1.87 0
Conservatives 9,396 1.20 0
Revolution Continues 5,014 0.64 0
Al-Adl 4,606 0.59 0
Democratic Front Party 4,602 0.59 0
Democratic Peace 4,487 0.57 0
Nasserist 1,604 0.20 0
Total 335,261 56 8

District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Waleed Ibrahim Abdel-Awal (Al-Nour) & Mostafa Galous (FJP)


Essam Al-Shawayekh (independent/Egyptian Bloc-endorsed) and Ahmad Wael Al-Moshanab (independent/former NDP) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, while Mostafa Galous (FJP) and Waleed Ibrahim Abdel-Awal (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, according to Al-Wafd. (3:18 am, Dec 17




District #2 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mohamed Abdel Rahman (FJP) & Adlan Morsy (Al-Nour)


Mohamed Abdel Rahman (FJP/professional), Adlan Morsy (Al-Nour/worker),  Khaled Abul Gihad (independent/worker), Afifi Al-Sherif (independent/former NDP/worker) will enter into a runoff next week, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (10:27 pm, Dec 16)



District #3 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Mohamed Mosaad (FJP) & Lahzy Ahmad (Al-Nour)


Unofficial final vote-count shows that Mohamed Mosaad (FJP) and Nour Abdel Razeq (Egyptian Bloc) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, whereas Lahzy Ahmad (Al-Nour) and Ahmad Hasballah (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. (11:36 pm, Dec 16)


District #4 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Gaber Al-Gahlan (Al-Nour) & Faysal Al-Shaybani (independent)


Mohamed Al-Gebaly (independent/former NDP) and Gaber Al-Gahlan (Al-Nour) will enter into a runoff for the professional seat, while Herqal Wafqi (independent/former NDP) and Faysal Al-Shaybani (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Tahrir News. (6:40 pm, Dec 16)




District #5 (single winner races)—final (unofficial)

RUNOFF WINNERS: Raafat Abul Kheir (independent/former NDP) & Yousef Abu-Hamoudy (independent/former NDP)


Raafat Abul Kheir (independent/former NDP) and Heshmat Bekheit (FJP) will enter into a runoff next week for the professional seat, and Yousef Abu-Hamoudy (independent/former NDP) and Fathy Rashwan (independent) will enter into a runoff for the worker/farmer seat, according to Egynews. (2:15 am, Dec 16)











Aswan (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1 (2)]

District #1 (list)—pending


Scheduled for a re-vote on 10-11 January 2012 due to a court ruling annulling the initial results

District #1 (single winner races)—final (unofficial) 



RUNOFF WINNERS: Mohamed Shaker Al-Omda (independent/former Al-Wafd), Faragallah Gadallah Ahmad (Al-Nour) (12:26 am, Dec 24)


Mohamed Shaker Al-Omda (independent/former Al-Wafd), Abdel Razeq Hasan (FJP), Faragallah Gadallah Ahmad (Al-Nour), and Mohamed Abul Ela Hussein (FJP) will enter into a runoff, according to Tahrir News. (4:13 am, Dec 17)








Stage #1 Results


Stage #1 recap: On 28 and 29 November, Egyptians had completed voting in nine governorates, including Cairo and Alexandria. Based on official results released by the Higher Elections Commission, as well as media reporting on the affiliations of various candidates, the table above summarizes the election results across various stage.

A more detailed breakdown of stage #1 results (by district and governorate) is displayed below. It should be noted, however, that results for some stage #1 races remain pending. In response to a court order, the Higher Elections Commission announced on 5 December that election results for "Al-Sahel" district in Cairo (party-list district #1 and single-winner races district #1) were annulled. A re-vote will be convened for that district on 10-11 January with runoff races scheduled for 17-18 January. A re-vote is also scheduled for single winner races in Assiut districts #2 and #3, as well as Alexandria district #3. The total number of seats up for grabs in stage #1 is 166, 16 of which remain pending due to scheduled re-votes.


Cairo (54 seats) 

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (10); District #2 (8); District #3 (8); District #4 (10)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-9 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)--pending


In response to a court order, the Higher Elections Commission announced that election results for "Al-Sahel" district in Cairo (district #1) were annulled with respect to both the party-list votes and single-winner race votes. A re-vote will be convened for that district on 10-11 January with runoff races scheduled for 17-18 January. Thus the above results for party-list district #1 are not final.

District #2 (list)


District #3 (list)


District #4 (list)


District #1 (single winner races)          Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Kamal Hassan Mahdy (FJP/W)                          210,388 (37%)                       Runoff

Osama Al-Maghazi (Egyptian Bloc/W)               136,076 (24%)                     Runoff
John Talaat (Egyptian Bloc/P)                             123,047 (21%)                     Runoff
Fahmy Abdo (FJP/P)                                             180,722 (32%)                      Runoff
Valid Ballots: 572,344

In response to a court order, the Higher Elections Commission announced on 5 December that election results for "Al-Sahel" district in Cairo (district #1) were annuled. A re-vote will be convened for that district on 10-11 January with runoff races scheduled for 17-18 January.


District #2 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)             Result
Shaban Hassan (Egyptian Bloc/W)                      51,177 (12%)                      Runoff
Yasser Abdallah (FJP/W)                                     128,555 (31%)                      Runoff
Amr Zaki (FJP/P)                                                  146,429 (35%)                        Runoff
Mohamed Abdel Ghani (Egyptian Bloc/P)            57,966 (14%)                     Runoff
Valid Ballots: 414,019

Election Update Alert (3:29 am, Dec. 7): Amr Zaki (FJP) won the professional seat, and Yasser Abdallah (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat. (Tahrir News)


District #3 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Essam Mokhtar (FJP/W)                                       58,630 (18%)                         Runoff
Amr Auda (Independent/W)                                  36,414 (11%)                        Runoff
Mustafa Al-Naggar (Al-Adl/P)                               72,560  (22%)                       Runoff
Mohamed Yosry (Al-Nour/P)                                 51,619 (16%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 331,577

Election Update Alert (3:29 am, Dec. 7): Mustafa Al-Naggar (Al-Adl) won the professional seat, and Amr Auda (Independent) won the worker/farmer race. (Al-Masry Al-Youm)



District #4(single winner races)             Votes (% of valid ballots)           Result
Amr Hamzawy (RCA/P)                                       131,273 (53%)                       Winner
Khalid Hassan (FJP/W)                                        91,063 (37%)                         Runoff
Hisham Soliman                                                   45,992 (19%)                          Runoff
(Independent/former NDP/W)
Valid Ballots: 244,236

Election Update Alert (3:29 am, Dec. 7): Hisham Soliman (Independent/former NDP/W) won the worker/farmer seat. (Al-Masry Al-Youm)


District #5 (single winner races)**
Ashraf Saad (FJP/W)                                                                                              Runoff
Khaled Al-Zulqa (Al-Nour/W)                                                                                Runoff
Sayed Gadallah (FJP/P)                                                                                        Runoff
Nidal Mohamed (Al-Nour/P)                                                                                 Runoff

**Note: Based on media reports. Official results are yet to be released.

Election Update Alert (4:26 am, Dec. 7): Ashraf Saad (FJP)  won the worker/farmer seat, and Sayed Gadallah (FJP) won the professional seat. (Tahrir News)

District #6 (single winner races)            Votes (% of valid ballots)             Result
Mostafa Farghali (FJP/W)                                    37,342  (25%)                         Runoff
Mohsen Fawzy (Egy. Bloc, former NDP/W)        21,276 (14%)                        Runoff
Mohamed Abu-Hamed (Egyptian Bloc/P)            33,875 (23%)                      Runoff
Amr Khedr (FJP/P)                                               32,255 (22%)                           Runoff
Valid Ballots: 148,704

Election Update Alert (3:29 am, Dec. 7): Mohamed Abu-Hamed (Egyptian Bloc) won the professional seat and Mostafa Farghali (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat. (Tahrir News)


District #7(single winner races)            Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Khalid Mahmoud (FJP/P)                                    37,541 (25%)                          Runoff
Mohamed Gaber (Al-Nour/P)                              24,724 (17%)                         Runoff
Nasir Othamn (FJP/W)                                        43,362  (29%)                          Runoff
Haydar Al-Baghdadi                                            18,566 (12%)                          Runoff
(Independent/former NDP/W)
Valid Ballots: 258,591

Election Update Alert (3:29 am, Dec. 7): Khalid Mahmoud (FJP) won the professional seat, and Nasir Othamn (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


District #8 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)           Result
Yousri Bayoumi (FJP/ W)                                    164,824 (27%)                     Runoff
Mohamed Afifi (Egyptian Bloc/W)                        43,228 (10%)                     Runoff
Khalid Hanafi (FJP/P)                                          148,800 (33%)                     Runoff
Mohamed Abdel Moneim (Independent/P)           60,122(13%)                  Runoff
Valid Ballots: 450,973

Election Update Alert (3:29 am, Dec. 7): Yousri Bayoumi (FJP) won the professional seat, and Khalid Hanafi (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat. (Tahrir News)



District #9 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)            Result
Ramadan Omar (FJP/W)                                     431,639 (71%)                     Winner
Mostafa Bakri (Independent/P)                            376,162 (62%)                   Winner
Valid Ballots: 608,503

Alexandria (24 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (6); District #2 (10)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-4 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)


District #2 (list)


District #1
(single winner races)        Votes (% of valid ballots)                Result

Mostafa Mohamed (FJP/W)                                 240,752 (42%)                      Runoff
Sabry Saed (Al-Nour/W)                                      137,083 (24%)                      Runoff
Abdel Moneim Al-Sahhat (Al-Nour/P)                  191,675 (33%)                   Runoff
Hosni Dowidar (FJP-sponsored /P)                      144,296 (25%)                   Runoff
Valid Ballots: 576,371

Election Update Alert (3:24 am, Dec. 7): Mostafa Mohamed (FJP) won the worker/farmer race and Hosni Dowidar (FJP-sponsored) won the professional race. (Tahrir News)


District #2 (single winner races)         Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Al-Mohamedi Sayed Ahmed (FJP/W)                  172,018 (31%)                   Runoff
Mostafa Ibrahim Abdel Lattif (Al-Nour/W)            108,309 (20%)                   Runoff
Tarek Talaat Mostafa (former NDP/P)                  232,439 (43%)                   Runoff
Mohamed Al-Khodeiri (FJP- sponsored/P)          204,773 (37%)                  Runoff
Valid Ballots: 546,365

Election Update Alert (3:24 am, Dec. 7): Al-Mohamedi Sayed Ahmed (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat and Mohamed Al-Khodeiri (FJP- sponsored) won the professional seat. (Tahrir News).


District #3 (single winner races)        Votes (% of valid ballots)               Result
Saber Abul Futtuh (
FJP/W)                                 210,575 (38%)                      Runoff
Kamal Ahmad (Independent/W)                          95,409 (17%)                      Runoff
Mohamed Al-Sonosy (
Al-Nour/F)                        88,872 (16%)                      Runoff
Mohamed Attiya (
FJP/P)                                     208,849 (38%)                      Runoff
Valid Ballots: 552,922

Election Update Alert (4:05 am, Dec. 7): Saber Abul Futtuh (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat, and Mohamed Attiya (FJP) won the professional seat. (Tahrir News).

In response to a court order, the Higher Elections Commission announced that election results for Alexandria district #3 were annulled with respect to single-winner race votes. A re-vote will be convened for that district on 10-11 January with runoff races scheduled for 17-18 January. Thus the above results for district #3 are not final.


District #4 (single winner races)        Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Mahmoud Mohamed (FJP/W)                            170,175 (41%)                     Runoff
Asem Mahmoud (Al-Nour/W)                             100,786 (24%)                     Runoff
Essam Hassaneen (Al-Nour/P)                          157,008 (27%)                    Runoff
Hamdy Hassan (FJP/P)                                     152,692 (36%)                      Runoff
Valid Ballots: 419,086

Election Update Alert (4:05 am, Dec. 7): Hamdy Hassan (FJP) won the professional seat, and Mahmoud Mohamed (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat. (Tahrir News).

Damietta (12 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-2 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)


District #1
(single winner races)        Votes (% of valid ballots)               Result
Mohamed Al-Taeel (Al-Nour/W)                          89,947 (34%)                      Runoff
Mohamed Abu-Mousa (FJP/W)                           84,062 (32%)                      Runoff
Aly Al-Dai (FJP/P)                                               125,734 (48%)                       Runoff
Nagy Sheta (Al-Nour/P)                                       50,796 (19%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 262099

Election Update Alert (3:00 am, Dec. 7): Aly Al-Dai (FJP) won the professional seat and Mohamed Abu-Mousa (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat.


District #2 (single winner races)         Votes (% of valid ballots)               Result
Wael Banhan (Al-Nour/W)                                   65,165 (23%)                        Runoff
Omran Mogahed (former Al-Wafd/W)                  51,018 (18%)                      Runoff
Waleed Samaha (Al-Nour/P)                               65,694 (23%)                       Runoff
Mohamed Al-Falahgy (FJP/P)                             49,437 (17%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 283,108

Election Update Alert (3:00 am, Dec. 7): Mohamed Al-Falahgy (FJP) won the professional seat and Omran Mogahed (independent, former Al-Wafd) won the worker/farmer seat.



Kafr Al-Sheikh (18 seats) 

Seat Breakdown:Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-3 (2 each)] 

District #1 (list)


District #2 (list)


District #1 
(single winner races)         Votes (% of valid ballots)                Result
Mohamed Abdel Meguid (Al-Nour/F)                  103,664 (25%)                      Runoff
Taha Mansour (FJP/F)                                         54,634 (13%)                           Runoff
Mohamed Ibrahim Mansour (Al-Nour/P)             140,447 (34%)                      Runoff
Mohamed Shaker (FJP/P)                                   49,844 (12%)                           Runoff
Valid Ballots: 407,933

Election Update Alert (4:18 am, Dec. 7): Mohamed Abdel Meguid (Al-Nour) won the professional seat and Mohamed Ibrahim Mansour (Al-Nour)  won the worker/farmer seat.


District #2 (single winner races)         Votes (% of valid ballots)               Result


Hassan Emeera (Al-Nour/W)                               54,389 (14%)                        Runoff
Ashraf Al-Saeed (FJP/W)                                     41,215 (11%)                         Runoff
Sameh Khalil (Al-Nour/P)                                     66,047 (17%)                        Runoff
Mohamed Amer (FJP/P)                                      50,204 (13%)                         Runoff
Valid Ballots: 388,343

Election Update Alert (2:48 am, Dec. 7): Mohamed Amer (FJP) and Ashraf Al-Saeed (FJP) won the professional and worker/farmer seats, respectively. (Tahrir News)


District #3 (single winner races)          Votes (% of valid ballots)                Result
Mohamed Abdel Aleem (Al-Wafd/W)                  128,765 (44%)                       Runoff
Mohamed Idris (FJP/W)                                       44,957 (15%)                           Runoff
Mohamed Al-Helisy (FJP/P)                                 66,542 (23%)                          Runoff
Yousef Al-Badri (National Party of Egypt/P)          39,932 (14%)                      Runoff
Valid Ballots: 293,943

Election Update Alert (6:10 am, Dec. 7):  Youm7 reports that Mohamed Abdel Aleem (Al-Wafd) won the worker/farmer seat, and that Yousef Al-Badri (National Party of Egypt) won the professional race. Earlier reports from Tahrir News had indicated that Mohamed Al-Helisy (FJP) won the professional race.

Fayyoum (18 seats) 

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (4)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-3 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)


District #2 (list)


District #1 (single winner races)          Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Hamdy Taha (FJP/F)                                            97,504 (36%)                         Runoff
Salah Soliman Abu-Bakr (Al-Nour/F)                   43,339 (16%)                      Runoff
Adel Ismail Abdul Hamid (FJP/P)                        78,607 (29%)                        Runoff
Hany Salah Abdel Ghani (Al-Nour/P)                  45,856 (17%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 269,723

Election Update Alert (2:59 am, Dec. 7): Hamdy Taha (FJP) and Adel Ismail Abdul Hamid (FJP) won the worker/farmer and professional races, respectively. (Tahrir News)


District #2 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)             Result
Sayed Gabr (FJP/F)                                            67,338 (33%)                           Runoff
Abdel Moneim Abdel Aleem (Al-Nour/W)            57,460 (28%)                      Runoff
Osama Yahya (FJP/P)                                         88,501 (43%)                          Runoff
Mohamed Ramadan (Al-Nour/P)                         50,209 (24%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 206,812

Election Update Alert (3:02 am, Dec. 7): Sayed Gabr (FJP) and  Osama Yahya (FJP) won the worker/farmer and professional seats, respectively. (Al-Masry Al-Youm)


District #3 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Fawzi Abdel Aziz (FJP/F)                                    107,381 (39%)                        Runoff
Omar Al-Zeiny (Al-Nour/F)                                   85,301 (31%)                         Runoff
Gamal Hassan (FJP/P)                                       107,422 (39%)                        Runoff
Mohamed Ibrahim (Al-Nour/P)                            67,940 (24%)                        Runoff
Valid Ballots: 277,772

Election Update Alert (4:22 am, Dec. 7): Gamal Hassan (FJP) won the professional seat, and Fawzi Abdel Aziz (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat. (Youm7)


Port Said (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single winner race [District #1 (2)]

District #1 (list)



District #1 (single winner races)          Votes (% of valid ballots)               Result
Akram Al-Shaer (FJP/P)                                     147,024 (51%)                         Winner
Al-Badri Farghali (Al-Tagammu/W)                      87,972 (31%)                       Runoff
Aly Fouda (Al-Nour/W)                                         37,825 (13%)                          Runoff
Valid Ballots: 285,925

Election Update Alert (2:54 am, Dec. 7): Al-Badri Farghali (Al-Tagammu) won the worker/farmer race. (Al-Masry Al-Youm)


Red Sea (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single-winner [District #1 (2)] 

District #1 (list)


District #1 (single winner races)          Votes (% of valid ballots)               Result
Samir Taqawi (Independent/W)                           12,490 (11%)                        Runoff
Abdel Baset Qouta (Egyptian Citizen/W)             10,207 (9%)                         Runoff
Mohmaed Katamish (FJP/P)                                21,467 (19%)                         Runoff
Samir Hares (Former NDP/P)                              16,433 (15%)                         Runoff
Valid Ballots: 110,758

Election Update Alert (2:41 am, Dec. 7): Abdel Baset Quota (Egyptian Citizen) won the worker/farmer seat, and Mohamed Katamish (FJP) won the professional seat, according to Youm7.

Assiut (24 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (8); District #2 (8)]

Single-winner [Districts #1-4 (2 each)]

District #1 (list)


District #2 (list)


District #1 
(single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Mohamed AlDesouki (former NDP/F)                  110,319 (37%)                      Runoff
Bayomi Ismail (Building & Devlopmt/W)               47,538 (16%)                       Runoff
Samir Khashaba (FJP/P)                                     106,799 (35%)                         Runoff
Mohamed Abu-Lifa (Egyptian Bloc/P)                   60,583 (20%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 300,918

Election Update Alert (3:14 am, Dec. 7): Samir Khashaba (FJP) won the professional seat, and Bayomi Ismail (Building & Devlopmt) won the worker/farmer seat. (Tahrir News)


District #2 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)              Result
Mohamed Madar (
FJP/F)                                    70,828 (20%)                           Runoff
Hamada Qrishi (former NDP/F)                          41,971 (12%)                          Runoff
Mohamed Salama Bakr (
FJP/P)                         98,951 (27%)                          Runoff
Salah Ragab (
Building & Development/P)          78,728 (22%)                       Runoff
Valid Ballots: 361,761

Election Update Alert (3:14 am, Dec. 7): Mohamed Madar (FJP) won the worker/farmer seat and Mohamed Salama Bakr (FJP) won the professional seat. (Tahrir News)

In response to a court order, the Higher Elections Commission announced that election results for Assiut district #2 were annulled with respect to single-winner race votes. A re-vote will be convened for that district on 10-11 January with runoff races scheduled for 17-18 January. Thus the above results for district #2 are not final.


District #3 (single winner races)            Votes (% of valid ballots)             Result 
Abdallah Sadeq (
FJP/W)                                    52,562 (22%)                           Runoff
Gamal Abdel Nasser (
Egyptian Bloc/W)             29,037 (12%)                        Runoff
Ahmad Hassan (
Al-Nour/F)                                 27,935 (12%)                          Runoff
Abdel Aziz Khalaf (
FJP/P)                                   72,531 (31%)                           Runoff
Valid Ballots: 235,882

Election Update Alert (3:14 am, Dec. 7): Abdel Aziz Khalaf (FJP) won the professional race and Ahmad Hassan (Al-Nour) won the worker/farmer race. (Tahrir News)

In response to a court order, the Higher Elections Commission announced that election results for Assiut district #3 were annulled with respect to single-winner race votes. A re-vote will be convened for that district on 10-11 January with runoff races scheduled for 17-18 January. Thus the above results for district #3 are not final.


District #4 (single winner races)            Votes (% of valid ballots)            Result
Amer Abd Al-Reheem (Al-Nour/F)                      22,035 (14%)                        Runoff
Abdel Aziz Ibrahim (FJP/W)                                13,125 (9%)                            Runoff
Hassan Abdel Aal (FJP/P)                                   30,920 (20%)                         Runoff
Amir Lamy (Egyptian Bloc/P)                               18,173 (12%)                        Runoff
Valid Ballots: 152,194

Election Update Alert (3:14 am, Dec. 7): Hassan Abdel Aal (FJP) won the professional seat and Amer Abd Al-Reheem (Al-Nour) won the worker/farmer seat. (Tahrir News) 


Luxor (6 seats)

Seat Breakdown: Party list [District #1 (4)]

Single winner race [District #1 (2)]

District #1 (list)


District #1 (single winner races)           Votes (% of valid ballots)            Result
Radwan Abu-Qureen (Independent/F)               47,887 (15%)                      Runoff
Khaled Megahed                                                     20,611 (6%)                        Runoff
(FJP-sponsored & Former NDP/F)
Abdul Mawgood Dardeer (FJP/P)                        62,302 (19%)                      Runoff
Hatem Mokhtar (Building & Develpmnt/P)          36,174 (11%)                      Runoff
Valid Ballots: 321,289

Election Update Alert (3:14 am, Dec. 7): Abdul Mawgood Dardeer (FJP) won the professional seat, and Khaled Megahed (FJP-sponsored & Former NDP) won the worker/farmer seat.


*F: Farmer; W: Worker; P: Professional (see voting rules for more information)

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