Jadaliyya needs captivating photographs of the Arab world.
As a primarily volunteer ezine, Jadaliyya depends on the solidarity and generosity of friends and supporters.
We need your help now!
Tens of thousands of unique viewers a month will see your work if you choose to let us display your photos under a Creative Commons license. Your name and bio will appear on the Contributors Page with a link to your website or photo feed. Whenever a photo of yours is used it will be credited to you, with your name linked to your profile on the Contributors Page. Occasionally, we may ask to use especially compelling photos in a featured photo essay.
We agree to never share your photos with third parties, and to ask for permission for any usage beyond the Jadaliyya website. You always retain copyright.
Send medium resolution photos (no larger than 500px on one side) to photos@jadaliyya.com with the information on how you would like to be credited (your full name and a web address).
You must also include caption information with photos: who, what, when, and where.
We are looking for all sorts of photos of the Arab world, such as:
- Elections, campaigning
- Daily life
- Work, workers, workplaces
- Social issues
- Activism, protests, organizing
- Urban and rural landscapes
- Portraits
- News
- Art, artists, authors
- Architecture
- Environmental issues
Jadaliyya (Photo) Editors