On 1 December 2011, Ezzedine Errousi, a Moroccan student from the city of Taza, was taking part in a student union protest on the Taza University campus. The students staged a peaceful protest against the deplorable state of the university. The university sent the local authorities to disperse the protest. Authorities then came on campus, arrested Errousi, stripped, and dragged him through the local souk to prison. He was charged with assaulting a police officer and sentenced to five months in prison, in addition to a fine. 

During his time in prison, his family reported that Errousi was subject to abuse and torture. His hands were broken and went untreated for twenty days. In protest against the nature of his detainment, Errousi began a 134-day long hunger strike that lasted until the day he was released on 1 May 2012.

Below is his first public statement since his release and a link to an interview with his sister:

 Read an interview conducted with his sister after his release on Mamfakinch