[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Regional and International Perspectives

Saudi Arabia and Iran: Is trouble brewing? Inside Story on Al-Jazeera English examines the implications of a union between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain for Iran.

Bitter Frenemies: The Not-Quite-Alliance Between Saudi Arabia and Turkey Meliha Benli Altunisik analyzes the improving relations between Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Yemen: US and Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda claims deadly Yemen suicide blast A news report on the suicide attack in Central Sanaa that killed at least one hundred people.

Outside Sanaa, a struggle for influence grips the new Yemen Sudarsan Rghavan writes on the divisions within the government and the army in Sana`a and Arhab.

Ali Salim el-Beidh: Separating South Yemen An interview with el-Beidh on the independence of South Yemen on Al-Jazeera English.

Yemen Moves to Recapture Towns Controlled by Islamist Insurgents Robert Worth writes on the intensified campaign waged by the Yemeni government to gain control over southern towns, following the visit of John Brennan, President Obama`s counterterrorism adviser, to Yemen.

President Obama executive order gives Treasury authority to freeze Yemeni assests in US Karen DeYoung on the implications of President Obama`s order to freeze assets of individuals seen as detrimental to a smooth political transition supported by the US administration.

Human Rights Watch

Bahrain: Human Rights Body Should Target Repression HRW`s recommendation for the UN Human Rights Council to condemn repression in Bahrain in the upcoming Universal Periodic Review.

Bahrain: Drop Charges Against Rights Activists HRW calls on Bahraini authorities to free Nabeel Raja and criticizes the US administration`s decision to resume arms sales to the country.

Repression in Bahrain

Bahrain`s flashy crony capitalism cannot last Ala`a Shehabi analyzes Bahrain`s neoliberal practices and excessive expenditure on sporting events within the context political unrest and social problems.  

Bahrain activist gets bail but still detained A news report on the ongoing arrest of Nabeel Rajab in Bahrain.

Bahrain: A Hot Potato Across The Persian Gulf Shahira Salloum offers an excellent analysis of the tensions sparked by the proposed union between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Autopsy finds torture behind Bahrain drowning An exclusive report by Al-Jazeera English on the real cause of death of Yousef Mowali.

US Chutzpah on Bahrain As`ad AbuKhalil blasts the US administration`s meeting with Bahraini activists.

Queen Elizabeth`s Jubilee Celebration
Unpopular kings give sour taste to Queen`s Jubilee lunch at Windsor Jerome Taylor writes on the rage over the decision to invite Bahrain`s Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, among other others, to attend the "Monarchs` Lunch."

Protest over Bahrain king`s royal invite A report on the protests held by a small group of Bahrainis outside the Bahrain embassy in London.

Policy and Reports

Belgian halts hunger strike in Dubai Yasmine Ryan reports on a Belgian citizen who was on huger strike to protest bounced-cheque laws in the UAE.

United Arab Emirates gives $5M to Joplin hospital A report on the generous donation made the UAE to Joplin school on the first anniversary of the devastating tornado.

UAE, Qatar and Bahrain urge their citizens to leave Lebanon A news report on the warning issued by these Gulf states to their citizens to leave Lebanon because of security tensions in the country.

Kuwait: Islamic Law Proposal Blocked A news report on Kuwait`s emir`s veto on a proposal to make Sharia the only source of legislation in the country.

Saudi Arabia bans using Gregorian dates A news report on the ban to use the Gregorian calendar and the English language to answer calls and communicate in government and private agencies.

Empowering women: Kingdom leads the way Rima Al-Mukhtar writes on King Abdullah`s support of women in Saudi Arabia.


The Not-So-Secret Life of a Kuwaiti Censor An informative article on censorship of books in Kuwait, and on the works of censors.


رشا أبو زكي: تحذيرات السفارات: مخاوف أمنية أم حصار اقتصادي؟
Rasha Abu Zaki looks at the economic impact of the warning issued by the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain to their citizens to leave Lebanon on tourism.

ساطع نور الدين: إنذار خليجي
Sati Noor al-Din on the political implications of the warning issued by the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain to their citizens to leave Lebanon.

أمير قطر يدعو إسرائيل إلى "ربيع سلام"
A brief news report on Bahrain`s King`s call for Israel to take a step towards peace.

"أطلسة" الخليج.. بقيادة أميركية!
An editorial on the NATO-ization of the Gulf.

السعودية تتشدد في استقبال التونسيين: معتمرون يأتون من أجل الجهاد
A news report on Saudi Arabia`s decision not to give Hajj visas to Tunisian citizens under the age of 35.

البحرينيون في الشارع ضد "الاتحاد" مع السعودية
A report on protests in Bahrain against the union with Saudi Arabia.

المعارضة البحرينية تحشد الشارع رفضاً للاتحاد
A report on the Bahraini opposition`s mobilization to protest the union with Saudi Arabia.

أحمد الخطيب: رسالة إلى قادة الخليج: مشروع الاتحاد فاشل ولنستشهد بالتاريخ!
Ahmed Al-Khatib offers an insightful analysis of the inevitability of the failure of the proposed union between the Gulf states.