[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
"Cnisel : la fraude confirmée"-`Honest observers` contrast with otherwise fraudulent elections.
“أعضاء البرلمان الجزائري الجديد يؤدون القسم الدستورى”-Accusations of one-party rule disrupt assembly`s oath ceremony.
“Warda al-Jazairia obituary” - Highlights of the singer`s life, including her encounters with rebellion.
"ما بعد ليبيا للإتصالات والتقنية : وضع الإنترنت في ليبيا" - High internet prices and poor availability threaten to hinder economic and social development.
"The delay in elections and optimism in Libya" - Despite sustained rumors of postponement, citizens remain hopeful as elections approach.
“الطبقة الوسطى ودورها في بناء الدولة .. بقلم/ خالد إبزيم”- Burgeoning middle class, particularly professors, scholars, writers, and legal professionals, are eager to contribute to the intellectual foundation of Libya`s development.
"ليبيا تتصارع لاحترام موعد الانتخابات" - Disagreement with seat distribution may stall elections, despite Abdul Jalil`s reassurances.
“RE: Mauritanians in Northern Mali”- Overview of recent Mauritanian military strategies against AQIM.
“Mauritania: Student Scandal Rocks Presidential Palace” - Students claim former president of Nouakchott University attempted to bribe them to give up their protests.
“Manifestation du 27 à Casa : un succès et après?” - Unemployed graduates, students, members of the March 20th movement and other disgruntled sectors of society merged to voice their demands for democratic reform, fair economic practices, and social equality.
“Morocco: Stalling Economy” - Superficial modifications to the 2012 budget reflect Government`s static policies and failure to implement substantive reform.
“Healthcare Provision and Reforms in Morocco” - Historical examination of the development and failures of Morocco`s healthcare.
“Morocco: Independent Media Losing Foothold” - Government`s `"Public Media Guidelines" purportedly intend to increase Arabic language use and ignites debate on the potential social influence of `Islamists.`
“Maroc, pays de l’absurdité et de l’impunité” - "Exceptionalism," tradition, and ritual used to justify monarchal policies.
“15 Moroccan Poets on ‘Big Bridge’”- A compilation of select works from diverse Moroccan poets.
“Dix raisons pour aimer la dictature, dix raisons pour haïr la démocratie” - Satirical enumération of democracy`s pitfalls.
"أصحاب الشهادات المعطّلون عن العمل : إحتجاجات و مقترحات"- Video coverage of protests held by unemployed graduates.
"قراءة في كف تونس وكشف المستقبل" - Reflections on the presentation and impact of developing political concerns in Tunisia.
“Tunisia: Injured of the Uprising Urgently Need Care” - Human Rights Watch urges the Tunisian government to fulfill its responsibility to the revolution`s injured by providing them with medical services as well as reparations.
“Hunger Strike of Tunisian Blogger Trigger Wave of Support” - Confiscation of a Nawaat contributor`s cameras resonates with citizens weary of corruption.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on the Maghreb
حوار شامل مع المفكر المغربي عبد الله العروي
The Melancholia of a Generation
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