Jadaliyya is hereby presenting the first installment in a interactive (see below) series called "A Portrait of a Revolutionary," featuring interviews with an Egyptian journalist and activist who was at the forefront of the Egyptian protest movement. Hossam`s vantage point is quite unique, and his broad knowledge of the Egyptian political landscape as well as history positions him to provide an unparalleled account of the the context and developments that have led to the resignation of former Egyptian President, Husni Mubarak, and the aftermath.

Below is the second part of the interview. I opted for presenting it first, however, because it is in English (the first (on the role of labor/unions) and third (on the role of elites) parts are to be posted soon). Among other issues, it deals with the role of the Egyptian Labor Unions in tipping the scale during the last days before Mubrak`s resignation.  It is in Arabic). 

This interview deals with the role of the army (then and now) in a quite candid and courageous manner that demystifies the halo that was created around that institution. The details that are brought to bear in the interview, and he analytical context in which they are lodged, are quite valuable for any observer/researcher.

I would like to make this a somewhat interactive interview by asking readers to pose their own questions to Hossam after watching the interview. I will relay the most productive questions, so please feel free to post your (clear/concise) questions under the comments, below). 

The third part will be about the role and prospects of the political and economic elite, before, during and after the revolution. 

Hossam El-Hamalawy is an Egyptian journalist and activist who maintains the popular site www.arabawy.org

Portrait of a Revolutionary: Hossam El-Hamalawi (Part 2) from Jadaliyya on Vimeo.

Click here for Part 1: The Role of Labor/Unions in the Egyptian Revolution

Click here for Part 3: The Egyptian Elite and the Egyptian Revolution