[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

“Military trial of detained journalist postponed to 9 January”
Photojournalists Mohamed Sabry will stand military trial for filming border guards in Sinai.

“ElBaradei and Abouel Fotouh discuss alliance in next elections”
At a meeting at his home, Abdel Moneim Abou El-Fotouh discusses possible electoral alliances with other opposition leaders.

“Ten new ministers take oath in Cabinet reshuffle”
Ministrial reshuffle adds four more Muslim Brotherhood members to the government.

“Egypt’s Salafist Parties Split, Weakening Influence”
Recent inauguration of Al-Watan Party and the calls for establishment of yet another Salafist party by Hazem Abou Ismail reflects the weakening of the political arm of the Salafist movement.

“In Sinai: The Uprising of the Bedouin”
Nicolas Pelham writes how the Sinai Peninsula has transformed since the revolution.

“In praise of irrational revolutionaries”
Bassem Zakaria argues in support of unorganized revolutionary protest movements.

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s historic errors”
Khalil Al-Anani says the Muslim Brotherhood has paid a high price for the passing of the new constitution.

“UAE rejects Egypt call to free `Brotherhood` detainees”
UAE authorities say the detained Muslim Brothers will stand trial.

“Egypt seizes US-made missiles destined for Gaza”
The weapons were found after authorities were tipped off about their location.

“Justice Minister outlines new articles for draft protest law”
New controversial law on protests will require protest organizers to apply for permission three days before the event.

“Investigation report stirs media debate over Brotherhood role during Tahrir uprising”
Leaks of the report talk about the presence of “Unit 95” on Tahrir Square.

“NSF to attend Egypt national dialogue if conditions met”
The National Salvation Front demands that the presidency announce the participants in the national dialogue and commit to apply agreements that are reached.

“Former VP: NSF will participate in next round of national dialogue"
The next round of the national dialogue initiative is scheduled for 9 January and will accept suggestions for amendment of the constitution.

“Egypt cracks down on satirists and media”
Charges against satirist Bassem Youssef and private newspaper AlMasry AlYoum prompt fears of infringement on media freedom.

“Former Nour Party head establishes new party, alliance with Abu Ismail”
Former Al-Nour Party head Emad Abdel Ghafour announces the formation of a new party, Al-Watan.

“UAE busts cell `linked to Egypt Brotherhood`”
UAE authorities arrest more than ten people who were allegedly recruiting Egyptian expats for the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Neo-liberal Islamism & the Effects of Egypt’s IMF Loan”
Sara Salem and Amanda Rogers warn of the consequences of the Egyptian government accepting an IMF loan.


In Arabic:

“أخلاق السادة وأخلاق العبيد”
Wael Qandil criticizes the attitudes of “gloating” in Egypt’s public space on account of the arrests of Muslim Brothers in the UAE.

“وزير الداخلية الجديد: مهمتنا تحقيق الأمن للشارع مع احترام مبادئ حقوق الإنسان”
New minister of the interior says the ministry’s mission is to establish security in the country while respecting human rights.

“الهيئة الشرعية بقيادة «الشاطر» تفشل فى تشكيل تحالف انتخابى بين «أبوإسماعيل» و«الحرية والعدالة»”
The Sharia Organization for Rights and Reforms, led by Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat Al-Shater, calls for an electoral coalition between the Freedom and Justice Party and Hazem Abou Ismail.

“القضاء الاداري بالإسكندرية يلزم الدولة بتقديم خدمات التعليم للطفل غير الشرعي”
The Administrative Court in Alexandria obliges the state to provide educational services for illegitimate children.

“«الشورى» يبحث تعديل قانون «البلطجة» فى جلسة مغلقة ويمنع دخول الصحفيين”
The Shura Council discusses behind closed doors a law issued by the military in 2011 on thuggery.

“بين أوهام القاهرة.. وواقعية واشنطن”
Mohamed El-Menshawi criticizes views expressed by Egyptian public figures, which ignore the existence of a new reality in Egypt established with the revolution.

"من السلفية إلى اليسار: سنحيا كرامًا.. «كلنا»”
Amro Ezzat explains the views of the Egyptian leftists through the popular Egyptian dish “koshari.”

“لماذا ستدفع الحكومة ربع مليار جنيه لأغنى رجل في العالم؟”
Ahmed Tagi criticizes the government’s decision to opt for Microsoft-made software and hardware, instead of using cheaper options and freeware.


Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:

على من يستند حُكم الإخوان؟
Wael Gamal analyses the social base of the Muslim Brotherhood.

New Texts Out Now: Marwan M. Kraidy, The Revolutionary Body Politic
An interview with Marwan Kraidy about his new article on the role of the body as a political medium.

The Naked Bodies of Alia
Sara Mourad writes about the video in which blogger Alia al-Mahdi appears naked in a protest against the constitution.

Revolution’s Cost
Philip Rizk tells the story of a family’s struggle to find the body of their son who was killed during the protests in December 2011.