[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Regional and International Relations
Less than 5 percent of Saudi Aramco to be sold The Saudi company currently produces upward of ten million barrels a day and will now be available for trade in the Saudi stock market.
Oman sets out new 20-year tourism plan As oil revenues drop, Oman places renewed interest in tourism efforts.
Emirati ballerina Alia Al Neyadi has big plans for the UAE’s cultural scene A mother-daughter ballet team takes the stage by storm in an upcoming ballet production.
UAE pledges $4B to boost Egypt’s economy The newest investments signal the United Arab Emirates’ continued support for Egypt’s current regime.
GCC reiterates commitment to narcotic control policy The countries also reiterated their need for a death penalty for drug smuggling, which, if revoked, may encourage operations.
A 30-year-old prince`s bold vision for Saudi Arabia Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s agenda may be seen as overly ambitious, but Saudi Arabia may need drastic new policies to overcome debt.
FIFA Panel to Monitor Labor Conditions at Qatar Stadiums The new decision would give FIFA a stake in the health and safety of World Cup construction workers in Qatar.
A Respite of Soccer for Qatar’s Laborers Day laborers and construction workers get their own piece of the football dream in their Workers Cup tournament.
Consultants flock to Saudi Arabia for ‘mother of all transformation projects’ Economic consultant companies rack up huge profits as Saudi Arabia announces its reform plan, one report reveals.
The Short Century at Sharjah Art Museum highlights events that shaped the Arab world in the 20th century An upcoming art exhibit looks at the historical context of Arab art after World War I and just before the first Gulf War.
2016 World Press Freedom Index Reporters without Borders released their yearly ranking of press freedoms around the world, with poor ratings across the GCC.
KUWAIT BECOMES FIRST COUNTRY TO COLLECT DNA SAMPLES FROM ALL CITIZENS AND VISITORS: REPORT Kuwait will begin the process of DNA testing at airports possibly later this year, and will include residents already within the country.
Kuwait lost up to $200m during oil strike The three-day strike forced the country to operate at much lower levels of oil production, and has since returned to pre-strike levels.
US State Department approves $260 million missile sale to Qatar Qatar’s latest arms acquisition includes 254 new missiles, though another deal for aircraft still awaits approval.
No jail time for Villaggio fire defendants, Qatar judge rules The defendants will only have to pay blood money to the relatives of the nineteen who passed away in the fire.
Facebook most popular stock among investors in UAE, rest of GCC Stock investors recently released results for the GCC’s popular stocks, which also included Apple and Halliburton.
The war of words over who does Saudi Arabia`s housework Debates over housework in Saudi Arabia drag on, revived by arguments against impoverished Saudi women doing the work.
Saudi Arabia, 9/11, and what we know about the secret papers that could ignite a diplomatic war An argument wages in Washington over the possible declassification of documents that could establish direct ties between Saudi Arabia and 9/11 events.
Saudi Arabia agrees plans to move away from oil profits An overview of key points from Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision plan.
Reports and Opinions
Moving away from oil Months of low oil prices offer a perfect opportunity for GCC countries to undertake massive reforms in everything from economics to migration.
Sponsorship system One Kuwaiti columnist examines the benefits and disadvantages of the sponsorship system on foreign employment.
Saudi Arabia: The devil we know Fareed Zakaria’s editorial for a continued US alliance with Saudi Arabia.
WATCH: Fareed Zakaria And Reza Aslan Discuss Saudi Arabia’s Influence On Terrorism A new talk show explores the lives of the 9/11 hijackers and their ties to Saudi Arabia.
How Obama is Benefiting Iran by the US-GCC Summit? One analyst looks at why Obama needs to balance the diplomatic and economic power of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Saudi Arabia’s Changing International Role Foreign policy experts discuss the nature of Saudi Arabia’s latest diplomatic endeavors.
Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia A new congressional bill could threaten US relations with Saudi Arabia over 9/11 responsibilities.
Why Dubai Is a Perfect Setting for Grand Theft Auto A plea for Dubai to become the next location for a popular car-racing video game.
Crisis in Yemen
As Saudis Continue Deadly Bombing of Yemen, Is Obama Trading Cluster Munitions for Riyadh`s Loyalty? One analyst questions American arms sales to Saudi Arabia and their deadly role in the war in Yemen.
AQAP Forced Out of Major Port City in Yemen A coalition of Saudi forces and Yemeni groups fought to push out AQAP from Mukalla.
Yemen Peace Effort Falters as Houthis Refuse to Attend Talks Initial days of Kuwait-held peace talks got off to a shaky start.
AL-QAEDA MILITANTS KILLED IN PUSH TO FREE YEMEN CITY 30 AQAP militants were killed in the latest attacks on Mukalla.
Canada should act quickly to provide aid for Yemen One researcher’s plea to provide humanitarian aid to Yemenis in their post-war recovery.
GCC, U.S. agree joint patrols to block Iran arms to Yemen: Zayani Iran denies sending weapons to Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Lawmakers launch bipartisan effort to restrict U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia, citing war crimes in Yemen US congressmen speak out against US involvement in Saudi’s war in Yemen, and hope to pass legislation to prevent future arms sales.
Human Rights
KSA calls on UN to stop politicizing human rights Saudi Arabia affirms the fact that the country already has measures to protect human rights violations, including mechanisms to prevent unlawful torture.
Saudi Arabia: Counter-terror court sentences human rights activist in relentless onslaught against civil society Amnesty International calls upon Saudi Arabia to release members of a human rights organization that fought for peaceful reform.
International Actors Still Do Not Hold Bahraini Government Accountable for Its Violations on Human Rights A factsheet on arrests and prison sentences of Bahraini citizens in 2015.
U.S. prisoner in Bahrain says he has been freed via royal pardon The royal pardon also included the payment of a fee, in order for the dual citizen to be released from Bahraini police custody.
The Guggenheim Doesn’t Want Labor Activists Interfering With Its Luxurious Abu Dhabi Outpost Activists known as the Gulf Labor Coalition face routine suppression in the UAE, and calls for better labor policies at the Guggenheim’s new museum are largely ignored.