[This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.]
Most Read
محمد عبد القهار: ننتقي من التاريخ ما يشبه واقعنا
أحمد عبد اللطيف: حصن التراب صوت المهزومين مقابل السلطة
GMU Event: A Teach-In on Global Migrations and Refugees - the US and the Middle East (24 February)
‘Fake News!’: The View from Israel’s Occupation
Essential Readings on Political Islam (by Peter Mandaville)
James McDougall, A History of Algeria (New Texts Out Now)
إرْنِستو راغاتْسُوني - مُختاراتٌ جديدة
نفاق اليسار: حرب 1967 واليهود المشرقيون
Critical Currents in Islam Roundup (February 22)
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (21 February 2018)
Palestine Media Roundup (February 9 - 15)
Turkey Media Roundup (February 21)
Syria in a Week (19 February 2018) / سوريا في اسبوع، ١٩ شباط
Last Week on Jadaliyya (February 12-18)
Egypt Media Roundup (February 19)
All Posts
Submit to MedReset's Young Writers Prize
Attiya Ahmad, Everyday Conversions: Islam, Domestic Work and South Asian Migrant Women in Kuwait (New Texts Out Now)
Report: Air Strikes Again Hit Syria's Ghouta, U.N. Considers Ceasefire Resolution
Critical Currents in Islam Roundup (February 22)
كوستا غافراس البغدادي
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (21 February 2018)
Palestine Media Roundup (February 9 - 15)
Report: Journalists Held Arbitrarily in Saudi Crackdown
Turkey Media Roundup (February 21)
محمد عبد القهار: ننتقي من التاريخ ما يشبه واقعنا
James McDougall, A History of Algeria (New Texts Out Now)
UN Statement on the Offense on East Ghouta
Syria in a Week (19 February 2018) / سوريا في اسبوع، ١٩ شباط
Research on Syria and What Syrians Want - A Conversation between Bassam Haddad and Rabie Nasr
Report: NGOs Call for End of the Targeting of Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Last Week on Jadaliyya (February 12-18)
Egypt Media Roundup (February 19)
نتالي بونتان: ذُبابةُ الصَّيف
‘Fake News!’: The View from Israel’s Occupation