[This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.]
Most Read
- Silencing the Past by Al Jazeera Network
- شباب من العراق يقاتلون في سوريا واليمن بـ"هويات ايرانية ووثائق موت عراقية"
- Seventy Years of the New York Times Describing Saudi Royals as Reformers
- Planning Zouk Mikael: Ignoring the Power Plant of Death
- خمس قصص قصيرة للكاتب الإسباني خوان خوسية مياس
- Tradition and the Anti-Politics Machine: DAM Seduced by the “Honor Crime”
- الإسلام في مرايا العنف
- The Politics of Killing Women in Colonized Contexts
- How Not to Study Gender in the Middle East
- الزواج الثاني الغريب لآرشي جونز
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